Xbox Live second outage this month, 'Lizard Squad' hints at more attacks

Ready to settle into a long night/day of gaming? Well, if you own an Xbox One or Xbox 360, think again. It looks like the hacking group 'Lizard Squad' has struck once more, decreeing via their official Twitter channel that "Xbox Live #offline."

This isn't the first time that 'Lizard Squad' has caused an outage for Xbox Live, with the previous outage occurring on December 1st. At the moment, Xbox and Xbox support Twitter accounts have not reported any issues with Xbox Live, hopefully they will be able to resolve this issue quickly.

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"Xbox Live second outage this month, 'Lizard Squad' hints at more attacks" :: Login/Create an Account :: 97 comments

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Ha nothing is wrong or has been wrong :P Btw you are not **** up my clan wars ;)


myKaleb Am I the only person who has experienced literally no downtime what-so-ever throughout all these 'attacks'? Not sure why these dudes are even being acknowledged.

Because millions are being affected.


I don't know why these chodes have to make it hard to play GTA: Online? I have never even seen this "outage" of xbox live.


Am I the only person who has experienced literally no downtime what-so-ever throughout all these 'attacks'? Not sure why these dudes are even being acknowledged.


Most of you who are claiming that you haven't had any problems must not be on Xbox's been unplayable for at least a good hour each time Lizard Squad attacked. I wish Anonymous would go after them like they used to go after pointless hacking groups but it sounds like they won't be doing anything.


#Lizard Suck Ball!!!

Never had issues playing online right now never been disconnected at all!


I've had no problems with Xbox live #failed


To say the least, Xbox only goes down for about 2 minutes - let them try to make more of an effort!


No issues yet. #LoserSquad. Step up your game children.


Surely all this is going to do is get them disliked by a lot of gamers, hunted by Microsoft and maybe some bragging rights. Surely it's not worth the effort and risk. D*** squad.

Must say I haven't been affected by this at all today, so they better raise their game...