Destiny: beta characters won’t transfer to full game

C’mon, now. You knew they were going to wipe it.

Bungie’s confirmed the awful, inevitable truth: none of your Destiny beta characters or stats will transfer over into the full game.

The developer admitted in this update that “our beta characters won’t transfer to the final version of Destiny. The vaults have been cleaned out, too.”

Bungie designer Tyson Green added: “Since the beta, we’ve continued to tune and adjust the game. The way you earn experience has been adjusted up and down a bunch of times. Items have been added and removed. New features toggled. Although there’s no single monumental change, the sum of the tweaks leaves characters from the beta build in strange shape that would be confusing at best, broken at worst.”

But this is the last time your avatar’s going to get retired. “On September 9, you can create a Guardian who will keep you company for a good, long time,” the update continued.

“On a long-enough timeline, you might decide to delete him or her and start over again – but that will be your call to make.”

The news will rankle some. Bungie said this week that no major gameplay changes had been made since the beta.

Still. Nearly there. Which version are you planning to pick up?

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"Destiny: beta characters won’t transfer to full game" :: Login/Create an Account :: 72 comments

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Why are you people complaining? - I myself spent roughly 10-20 hours on it not expecting to keep my character.. who cares? You should NEVER expect to keep your characters/data from a "BETA"


HOF Now I know if im buying destiny or not :)

So is this a yes or no? If not because of the characters transferring, that would be stupid.

OH its a no :) LOL my time that i put into that game to have good stuff is now wasted. :) No reason to waste anymore of it.


I assumed as much but it's still disappointing. I had so many rare drops that I wanted to try out in beta but couldn't because of the level cap, hopefully I get to find them again..


So why did we get a "special" beta emblem then if they are just going to remove it? This bothers me a bit but still the beta was amazing.


I extremely dont get why people are getting angry at this. Its a fun game, it literally did not take long at all to reach the max beta limit.


I was the highest level 8! But it will be nice to start fresh with friends again. It didn't take long to get max level so no big deal :)


Well i had alot of fun with this game and i learned a few really good money farming spots


I only got to level 4 or something on the Beta and had bad gear so to me it doesn't bother me :)


blondejohn So, uh, what was the **** point of earning the special iron banner legendary unlocks like the ship or the guns?! what was the **** point?!

So that you could have more things to do in the beta rather than just a couple of missions and PvP.

They announced that they were NOT carrying characters a long time ago on Twitter.


Smurfs I wish they would've announced this during the beta because I could've saved a lot of time by not farming Glimmer so much. I honestly thought that they would transfer over since they made it an open beta.

Its a beta Smurfs. They probably seen people farming and that could be a reason for the character deletions. Just a test of the game. Im personally glad everyone will start the same. We could play and farm in the full game. :)