Diablo 3 runs at 1080p on PS4, 900p on Xbox One

Blizzard told Joystiq that it is "prioritizing frame rate" when it comes to optimizing the new-gen console versions of the action RPG. That means a 900p resolution for the Xbox One version while the PS4 version will render at a full 1080p.

Blizzard announced in May that Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition will release August 19. In addition to PS4 it will also launch for PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

As the title suggests, the game will feature both the core Diablo 3 game as well as the recent Reaper of Souls expansion, which has already released for PC.

The PS4 and Xbox One versions will also boast full character transfer options from the last-gen versions.

The PlayStation versions will include an exclusive mission where players can battle clickers and other infected from The Last of Us.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/468103/diablo-3-runs-at-1080p-on-ps4-900p-on-xbox-one/


"Diablo 3 runs at 1080p on PS4, 900p on Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 45 comments

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ahh, i love diablo 3, can't wait to see how good it is on the PS4 and the xbone!


There never a game that runs equally on both systems.


-yoghurt i expected it to be better on xb1 because they got rid of kinect features

The game was in development before the kinectless console


i expected it to be better on xb1 because they got rid of kinect features


TurtleOrgans still cant do 1080p, what year is this!?!?

Halo collection will be in 1080p.... It's because of the power the kinect used... now that its gone it will improve over time.


Next Gen hardware and we still can't push to 1080p. Ridiculous.


still cant do 1080p, what year is this!?!?


Ok, auto correct on my S5 is horrible. I meant DDR3 ram not dry ram haha. Also "line CT" is supposed to be kinect.

I sure do love auto correct on my galaxy s5.


Kurumu I really don't understand why all these games on xbox aren't running 1080p, the two systems don't seem too different if anyone can explain this in a technical manner that'd be great because god knows I have no idea why it seems like no games are 60fps 1080p.

Theu simply included a weaker gpu and dry ram. They spent the extra money on line CT instead of console hardware. If this wasn't the case it could match the PS4 on game outputs.
Not to mention the esram which is a pretty significant bottleneck and makes development an absolute pain.


A lot of xbox games are 900p or lower it should be equal to the PS4