Battlefield 4 game breaking death shield bug discovered

It appears that popular youtuber "Jack Frag" has discovered a bug relating to players waiting to accept a revive by the assault class that ultimately provides a "death shield" for those standing behind them. This bug provides protection from anything ranging from mere bullets to tank shells; the video below via "Jack Frag" will give you a clearer idea of the bug. A DICE QA lead was informed via Twitter and let players know that they are looking into the issue and intend on working resolutions to squash this bug ASAP.

Have any of you experienced this glaring game breaker?

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"Battlefield 4 game breaking death shield bug discovered" :: Login/Create an Account :: 43 comments

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Pretty bad glitch, hope it is patched.


This seems op as f*ck they better fix it


Kiht I hope Battlefield 5 isn't this bad. It's been like 6 months since launch.

They aren't turning it into a yearly series so having 2 years to make Battlefield 5 should make it a lot better than 4


Kiht I hope Battlefield 5 isn't this bad. It's been like 6 months since launch.

I hope Battlefield 5 is never made, or at least not for a few years. I, and I'm sure many other players want Bad Company 3 before BF5.

YEs please! BC2 was sooo good and then BF3 was a let down, don't own BF4 but I constantly hear of so many issues. Battlefield like COD just seems to be hurried now and a sham at most :/


-Tupac There are actually so many bugs in EA games!

Haha yes this is so true I like Cod and TitanFall better!

Titanfall is made by EA.....



I haven't experienced this. Which is probably a good thing. I hope it's fixed soon.


-Tupac There are actually so many bugs in EA games!

Haha yes this is so true I like Cod and TitanFall better!

yeah all there is in call of duty is modded lobbies and infections every year that never seem to get patched, so people walk around knowing exactly were you will be with radar always on, wall hack, aimbots and noclip.

not quite true, for new call of duties those hacks are only available offline, or to the few that exploit xbox live to get their console online

still modding online and then infect other people


Kiht I hope Battlefield 5 isn't this bad. It's been like 6 months since launch.

I hope Battlefield 5 is never made, or at least not for a few years. I, and I'm sure many other players want Bad Company 3 before BF5.


That's what happens when you release a game way before it should have been.


-Tupac There are actually so many bugs in EA games!

Haha yes this is so true I like Cod and TitanFall better!

yeah all there is in call of duty is modded lobbies and infections every year that never seem to get patched, so people walk around knowing exactly were you will be with radar always on, wall hack, aimbots and noclip.

not quite true, for new call of duties those hacks are only available offline, or to the few that exploit xbox live to get their console online