Minecraft PC has 100 million users, 14.3 million copies sold

Mojang founder Markus "Notch" Persson has announced that the PC version of Minecraft has racked up 100 million registered users.

That is the number of people who have created free Minecraft accounts - a required step in downloading the Minecraft demo from the official Mojang site.

Persson has also announced that the game has achieved a "14.3% conversion rate to paid accounts", meaning around 14.3 million of those registered users went on to purchase the full game.

Mojang had announced the game had sold 13 million copies at the end of December 2013, and 14 million copies by February 3, suggesting a still significant rate of sales for the game released in November 2011.

The company also recently announced sales of 10 million copies of the Xbox 360 version and one million copies of the PlayStation 3 version, the latter having hit the million milestone after only five weeks on sale.

Plans for Xbox One, PS4 and Vita versions of Minecraft were announced in August 2013.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/451086/minecraft-pc-has-100-million-users-143-million-copies-sold/


"Minecraft PC has 100 million users, 14.3 million copies sold" :: Login/Create an Account :: 70 comments

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Lia I miss the alpha stages and early beta of Minecraft.

I can't play MC for more than 30minutes without getting bored now :/

yeah. the early beta days were the best. i cant even play now i dont know anything


Thats a lot of users and thats a lot of sails and a lot of $


Oasis What's Minecraft? Some sort of arts and craft hobby?

Sarcasm on the internet is near impossible.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing.

I know =[

But it's fun reading the replies. Here are my favourites, I may have added words..for my own amusement.

"Whaaaat? Yoo don't no minekraft????", "Welcum to tha internetz son", "lool, probably isn't a gheymer, just plays angry burds."


They have made soo much money from this it is amazing.


I miss the alpha stages and early beta of Minecraft.

I can't play MC for more than 30minutes without getting bored now :/


Oasis What's Minecraft? Some sort of arts and craft hobby?

Sarcasm on the internet is near impossible.

Lol, I was thinking the same thing.


Oasis What's Minecraft? Some sort of arts and craft hobby?

Sarcasm on the internet is near impossible.


Oasis What's Minecraft? Some sort of arts and craft hobby?

Im Sorry Did You Say "Whats Minecraft"

Don't mind him this is his first day on the internet.

lol i think he isnt a gamer


I Don't really like minecraft but surprised they got this much users i don't really know why people enjoy playing it tho o-o.


Oasis What's Minecraft? Some sort of arts and craft hobby?

Im Sorry Did You Say "Whats Minecraft"

Don't mind him this is his first day on the internet.