Retailer advertises Titanfall beta for February

Alleged ad in French game store suggests trial may be imminent

A week-long beta for Titanfall may be taking place in mid February, according to alleged photos from inside a French website.

Xboxygen claims to have received a photo taken in a Micromania store in France, stating that a beta for the game will begin on February 14.

The site also claims a source has revealed that the beta will run until February 19, and will be exclusively available at Micromania stores in France and GameStop stores elsewhere.

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"Retailer advertises Titanfall beta for February" :: Login/Create an Account :: 45 comments

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Is this beta for everyone? Is a pre-order required or can anyone get the beta?


Excited for the beta. Alpha showed a lot of really cool concepts. Can't wait to see the polished product.


They're actually doing a beta? Thats awesome. Just what call of duty needed, but never did.


I hope I can play it, looks fun!


lets hope its not a closed beta eh guys? I really want to play it so bad :D


I'm really hope that everyone who wants to play the beta can get a chance to play it.


Finally the French are useful! jks. I wasn't in the Alpha so this would be awesome xD


Hope it is legit, I really wanna play Titanfall.


I think I can see a the platforms its going on and i hope thats pc i see really don't wanna boot my xbox up this


That's really cool they're having a beta for titan fall. Hopefully i have a chance to play it.