Xbox One: MS banning users from Skype and Upload Studio for swearing

Xbox One gives you the ability to record your voice to accompany a gameplay clip and upload it to Xbox Live using Upload Studio, and it appears that multiple users have been temporarily banned for swearing in those clips.

Polygon has collated a set of reports from various places, such as the Xbox forums and a Reddit thread suggesting that users were banned for uploading gameplay clips in which they use profanity, it is unclear what is considered profanity. The banned users are unable to use Upload Studio or upload any clips they captured.

Microsoft appears to have lifted the ban for one user on Reddit by the name of MakVolci, he said, ” Okay I got a hold of a Microsoft representative. They’ve told me that my standing is “good” and don’t see an issue with my account – I’m in ‘good standing’.” He later added, ” I hopped on Upload Studio about twenty minutes ago and tried it out. It is now working for me, and I was successfully able to upload my Kinect footage and DVR footage to both Xbox and SkyDrive. It appears as though the Upload Studio suspension is a 24 hour suspension, as I believe it was for me.”

One Twitter user is reporting that he’s not able to use Skype for swearing in a private call, and receiving the following message:

Users who have been banned for using profanity in their Upload Studio clips are also reportedly being banned from using Skype. Polygon has reached to Microsoft for a comment.

Related Forum: Xbox Forum



"Xbox One: MS banning users from Skype and Upload Studio for swearing" :: Login/Create an Account :: 169 comments

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MS is already spying again they shouldnt be able to control what people say to that extent


That's so dumb. If you are in your own private call shouldn't you be able to swear and stuff all you want?


Sounds like MS is spying!


meanwhile over on the PS4


Cyimking MS should separate the kid community from the adult community. Because telling a 21 yo to stop swearing isn't going to work... Also how does MS finds out who swearing? Do someone have to report or ? ...

most likely listening in on convos why would their friends that there skyping with report them i said it since the beginning that the xbox one is used to spy thats why i refuse to use kinect

Lol, does everyone that play video games use/sell drugs or what? I honestly don't mind at all even if they do listen to my conversations/"spy" on me. What can possibly happen to me from this? Besides getting banned for things your not suppose to be doing in the first place. Everyone stop complaining. I'm sure most of you have/still do accept Term agreements from companies every day on your smartphone or computer, that could "spy" on you


lol, may as well ban people for swearing in games


So they can spy on you? Hmmm I wonder if they can


mocrosoft denies listening to you and watching you, then what they ban you for swearing how do they know, well just put the peices of the puzzle together


Vampiric That doesn't even make sense.

'Because of your past behaviour, you can't Xbox Live Gold is required to...''

What the hell?

pause after behavior and and again after you cant and you will understand


That doesn't even make sense.

'Because of your past behaviour, you can't Xbox Live Gold is required to...''

What the hell?