Xbox One: MS banning users from Skype and Upload Studio for swearing

Xbox One gives you the ability to record your voice to accompany a gameplay clip and upload it to Xbox Live using Upload Studio, and it appears that multiple users have been temporarily banned for swearing in those clips.

Polygon has collated a set of reports from various places, such as the Xbox forums and a Reddit thread suggesting that users were banned for uploading gameplay clips in which they use profanity, it is unclear what is considered profanity. The banned users are unable to use Upload Studio or upload any clips they captured.

Microsoft appears to have lifted the ban for one user on Reddit by the name of MakVolci, he said, ” Okay I got a hold of a Microsoft representative. They’ve told me that my standing is “good” and don’t see an issue with my account – I’m in ‘good standing’.” He later added, ” I hopped on Upload Studio about twenty minutes ago and tried it out. It is now working for me, and I was successfully able to upload my Kinect footage and DVR footage to both Xbox and SkyDrive. It appears as though the Upload Studio suspension is a 24 hour suspension, as I believe it was for me.”

One Twitter user is reporting that he’s not able to use Skype for swearing in a private call, and receiving the following message:

Users who have been banned for using profanity in their Upload Studio clips are also reportedly being banned from using Skype. Polygon has reached to Microsoft for a comment.

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"Xbox One: MS banning users from Skype and Upload Studio for swearing" :: Login/Create an Account :: 169 comments

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It's just 24 hours! Everyone just calm down! I think this is pretty stupid though, but that's just me!


At the same time at least theyre showing they care about giving out an experience that the Family can enjoy.


It's just what MS has always done, handed out silly bans lmao


Guess Microsoft is showing how gay they are it's a shame I really wanted to like them until they slapped all there fans in the face with the den polices that they only removed since they had too I hope they go bankrupt I really do Idc if they get hacked into and all there money stolen or w.e else someone needs to slap them in he face this time..


This is really stupid, because Xbox isn't just for little kids...
MS really needs to change this or only do this if the parents set some kind of filter.


This is sad, and if you stand up for this you're pathetic. Because in no way should you be banned for cursing thats down right a freedom of speech and cursing isn't illegal. I'm all for standing up for your favorite console but MS fanboys this is just too far, way too far.


This is pretty over the top but whatever.


lolohnoeszsz so if i'm in a skype call with a friend and say the f-bomb or sh!t. i'm going to get banned? glad to know freedom of speech is limited. go MS.


You are aware that freedom of speech only applies when you're up against the government right?

Try screaming out Fire in a crowded cinema sometime and let me know how good freedom of speech protected you from being booted out.
freedom of speech applies to anything. having a company basically silence you for profanity is ignorant. which is why i said 'freedom of speech is limited'.

Its not ignorant, MS have lawyers who would tell them that if it were the case, it is not. It is because freedom of speech only applies to government full stop (or 'period' as you americans say)

Not a lot of people realize that.

are you confused? just because they have lawyers doesn't mean they can silence people for using profanity. the lawyers are there to keep them out of "legal issues". idk what kind of legal issues would occur with profanity but if anything after being on xbl for 4 years it's nothing serious.

and as you (Europeans say) freedom of speech is for anything. it's not limited to the government. sorry that you might think it is but it's not.

lolohnoeszsz so if i'm in a skype call with a friend and say the f-bomb or sh!t. i'm going to get banned? glad to know freedom of speech is limited. go MS.


You are aware that freedom of speech only applies when you're up against the government right?

Try screaming out Fire in a crowded cinema sometime and let me know how good freedom of speech protected you from being booted out.
freedom of speech applies to anything. having a company basically silence you for profanity is ignorant. which is why i said 'freedom of speech is limited'.

Its not ignorant, MS have lawyers who would tell them that if it were the case, it is not. It is because freedom of speech only applies to government full stop (or 'period' as you americans say)

Not a lot of people realize that.


Funnily enough, you'll do well to notice that MS has a set of t's and c's when it comes to using their services, when using any service via Xbox Live, you are no exception.
you know i feel like when i did read the ToS i did see something about profanity. but it was only when doing it through messages, kinect, etc. but when people are talking through skype? especially a private call? idk that's ignorant if you ask me.


Its only for 24 hours, you'll survive


Honestly i do not believe it, it's like them putting up a picture saying "because of your past Xbox Live Gold is behavior to use skype for required xbox one" and saying that means they cursed and was banend from using it