Call of Duty: Ghosts trailer spotlights Clans mode

Infinity Ward has released a new Call of Duty: Ghosts gameplay video that explains how the game's new Clans system works.

Players can create online clans and participate in Clan vs. Clan matches, or take part in a new Clan Wars meta game, as the video below explains.

The video also mentions that Clans can now be cross platform, but this is somewhat misleading. Players will be able to join Clans with friends regardless of whether they play on Xbox, PlayStation or PC, but this only allows them to earn Clan XP for "exclusive unlocks and multiplayer XP bonuses".

Cross-platform Clan functionality does not allow for multiplayer matches with players on other platforms.

Publisher Activision has confirmed a Call of Duty: Ghosts release date of November 5 on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U and PC. The game will also be a launch title on Xbox One and PS4 later in the month.

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I would have loved a trailer but I guess this is better than anything.


I clicked here to see a trailer