Xbox One achievements will not be recorded unless devs want it

Xbox One’s DVR recording function was said to capture every single achievement you unlock earlier this week. Microsoft has now clarified the matter to say that it’s a feature that devs need to turn on in their games first.

Microsoft’s Albert Penello took to NeoGAF to clarify the matter and said, “It won’t be automatic for every Achievement. It’s a feature that Developers can unlock for achievements, OR, for instance, have hidden in the game for doing something cool or discovering something hidden.

“Basically we allow developers access to GameDVR and they can put conditions on an automatic recording.

“But not every Achievement will automatically be recorded.”

Well, that puts an end to yet another Xbox One rumour. But still, do you think it’s a neat feature?

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"Xbox One achievements will not be recorded unless devs want it" :: Login/Create an Account :: 46 comments

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Bankshot This will stop acievement modders :)

How will it stop them now? Lol

Because they can enable it and have it be looked at??


Bankshot This will stop acievement modders :)

How will it stop them now? Lol


This will stop acievement modders :)


yes another turn around by Microsoft or the rumour mill really. Its touted as something huge and unique and then they go.......well actually its not the case and taking away from its presentation or information yet again.


Honestly, this doesn't really concern me! :/


Kind of figured this would happen, there were too many ppl who didn't want everything recorded


only the fan boys are saying this is good -.-


I think it will be a nice edition, but I wish it was up to the player to decide whether or not to record.


Not too fussed about this feature...


I could care less, If I get a hard achievement and it records I'm uploading it