iOS 7 Jailbreak for iPhone 4 Successful, But Cydia MIA

The hallmark of a new IOS version is the rush to tweak and modify it and it appears that the iOS 7 jailbreak is here for the iPhone 4, at least in part.

The iPhone 4 is one of the last devices that hackers can jailbreak quickly and the iOS 7 jailbreak for the iPhone 4 is already here, at least for Jailbreak developers and tinkerers.

This iPhone 4 iOS 7 jailbreak is available from OpenSn0w, which offers an iOS 7 jailbreak tool for windows users to free up the iPhone 4.

The iOS 7 jailbreak for the iPhone 4 is not ready for the average jailbreak user yet as it is a tethered jailbreak. This means users will need to have the iPhone 4 plugged in to a computer any time it reboots to avoid losing functionality.

Another limiting factor is that there is no support for Cydia. According to Robert A. Peterson, this is mainly useful for Jailbreak developers.

@zKnOkerz789 Yes. But it’s tethered, only for iPhone 4, and almost everything (including Cydia) is broken. More useful for tweak/JB devs.

— Robert A. Petersen (@Sonikku_a) September 23, 2013

While any news of an iOS 7 jailbreak is good news, the iPhone 4′s Apple A4 processor makes it an easier target for an iOS 7 jailbreak than newer devices like the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

At this point the iPhone 4 iOS 7 jailbreak is not going to help most users upgrade their iPhone 4 to iOS 7 and keep jailbreak tweaks, but in the past we’ve seen iPhone 4 jailbreaks mature quickly into something you can actually use.

The iPhone 5s jailbreak or iOS 7 jailbreak for the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4s will likely take much longer. The very good news is that members of the Evad3rs are working on the iOS 7 jailbreak and a key member is, “confident” about the ability to jailbreak iOS 7.

Even as the team talks about confidence in their abilities for an iPhone 5s jailbreak or an iOS 7 jailbreak, they caution a release is not close at hand.

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"iOS 7 Jailbreak for iPhone 4 Successful, But Cydia MIA" :: Login/Create an Account :: 59 comments

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Wow that happened pretty fast


Potion But cydia is the main part of why i jailbreak my iPod.
Also in the picture who has that many pages?

Read the article before you post. It was released for dev's not people wanting jailbroken apps ect.


But cydia is the main part of why i jailbreak my iPod.
Also in the picture who has that many pages?


-CP Too bad the iPhone 4 is outdated and sucks.

It doesn't "suck" because a new iPhone just got released, it's still a good phone and isn't exactly outdated yet.


That didn't take long did it? Wow.


Georgasm It's happened quick because no effort was put into jailbreaking 6.1.3, it was left behind. Development for a jailbreak has been in production since iOS 7 beta 1.

A 6.1.3/6.1.4 jailbreak is already being worked on by winocm. He even posted a video proof. Although this may seem promising, there's a chance that the 6.1.3/6.1.4 jailbreak will come out before an iOS 7 one comes out at all. Good news for me because I really hate iOS 7.


Georgasm It's happened quick because no effort was put into jailbreaking 6.1.3, it was left behind. Development for a jailbreak has been in production since iOS 7 beta 1.

They dont care I think. Its a circle of business


It's happened quick because no effort was put into jailbreaking 6.1.3, it was left behind. Development for a jailbreak has been in production since iOS 7 beta 1.


They figured that out quick.


Jalibroken already? Nice, didn't take long at all :D