Call of Duty: Ghosts video shows Free Fall DLC map

Infinity Ward has released a new developer video for Call of Duty: Ghosts offering a look at its pre-order DLC map, Free Fall.

According to the blurb, "Free Fall drops you into a shattered skyscraper on the brink of collapse. Sideways staircases climb into the night sky, elevator shafts run along the ground, and what were once windows now form a terrifying glass floor, hundreds of feet above the city streets."

Free Fall is being offered as a pre-order exclusive map. Players who pre-order the game at the usual participating retails will get a code to download the map on the day of launch.

During its Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer reveal earlier this month, developer Infinity Ward confirmed female soldiers, new gameplay modes, a new custom Squad mechanic, destructible environments, remote-controlled drones, new weapons and lots more.

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"Call of Duty: Ghosts video shows Free Fall DLC map" :: Login/Create an Account :: 68 comments

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So this is like Black Ops 2? Where you'd get Nuketown 2025 if you pre-ordered?


I really like the look of this map. Very nice.


looks pretty cool. ima get it:D


Looks like a cool map.
I might get it.


I came to see the map, not a wireframe gameplay.. Please reword your article..


Call of Duty has actually advanced now. :D


Its pretty good for a pre order bonus


kootah I'm glad that the COD developers are moving in a new direction towards having more and more maps that actually change depending on what happens during that game, just like Battlefield.

This is nothing like battlefield, let's get that out of the way now. Every" dynamic" destruction is scripted and will happen every game. Battlefield's "levolution" will have complete destruction, not a gas station here and a wall there. These "dynamic" maps will get old and repetitive just like the game itself. Before I get called a bf fanboy ( even though bf4 will be only the 2nd bf game I've owned) just remember, I've played both.


XeKnowledge looks good, i hope they put it on the marketplace a couple months after CoD ghosts launchs.

You know they will. Makes preordering pointless.


looks good, i hope they put it on the marketplace a couple months after CoD ghosts launchs.