Battlefield 4 stats will also transfer from current-gen to next-gen

Battlefield 4 players will be able to move all of their stats from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, or from Playstation 3 to Playstation 4, in a one-time transfer. The transfer includes all stats, unlocks, awards, assignments, rank and all the premium content and memberships players may have.

This follows the announcement of a similar profile-transfer system for Call of Duty: Ghosts, made during Activision's multiplayer livestream today.

Microsoft's Xbox One will include the Season Pass Guarantee, a program that carries participating Xbox 360 season pass content to the Xbox One, for free, if the player owns both versions of the game. Battlefield 4 and Ghosts will support this program. There's no word if Sony will roll out a similar system for the Playstations 3 and 4.

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"Battlefield 4 stats will also transfer from current-gen to next-gen" :: Login/Create an Account :: 62 comments

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Just seen this about CoD, might have to get this game


Nice to see they are doing this


My 360's tray is broken so ill wait for the xbox one version. I is a good thing that they are doing this but what would make it all a lot better is for us to be able to use our 360 discs on next-gen. It's sad that they won't.


Good reason to get the games on day of release I suppose. I bet people would be mad if they couldn't do this.


Pretty cool for them to add this. :)


Boar Its cool they are doing this, imagine leveling high then losing it all.

Love your avatar haha!

Ot - glad they've done this and will save some hard work!


Its cool they are doing this, imagine leveling high then losing it all.


Sweet! Just like Ghosts. I hope they do this for a lot of games! I don't want to have to restart my games!


Lol they one-upped cod ghosts on this info


ACEM z0mg they st0l3d it fr4m C0D

They were planning this before CoD announced it so no, no they haven't