Iwata: Wii U's price isn't the problem

While the Wii U hasn't sold particularly well, with Nintendo moving just 160,000 units across three months in Q1 2013, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata is holding strong that the system's price isn't the problem - the price discrepancy between the two Wii U models is. "If the price is actually an issue [with Wii U], then there is some contradiction between the current sales balance between the Basic and Premium versions of the Wii U," Iwata told CVG.

"The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version. So the issue is not there," he said.

Iwata cited the disparity in sales between the Deluxe and Basic Wii U models in January when noting that the system was selling "steadily," and stated plans in June to regain the system's momentum through the end of the year before establishing "successful third-party Wii U software titles." Iwata has been there before, after all; He took a 50 percent pay cut in July 2011 due to poor 3DS sales around the time the system's price dropped, later selling the 3DS XL at a profit.

Of course, whatever version of the Wii U you choose to pick up, there's still the matter of what the heck you're going to play on it. "I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles," said Iwata. Great idea!

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/08/12/iwata-wii-u-price-isnt-the-issue-deluxe-continues-to-outsell/


"Iwata: Wii U's price isn't the problem" :: Login/Create an Account :: 115 comments

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generalhunter Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4

that's not what nintendo is about
we don't want another playstation/xbox
they make games that are worth playing, even 10 years from now
pokemon, zelda, and mario are great examples.

yet if they stay with Sony during the PS1 days (which was a cross project) they wouldn't been in this mess and we'll probably have a 3D pokemon game with the graphic of skyrim.


_Bale The only reason it isn't that popular is because Its getting blown out of the water by XBOX and PS. :D

Not really, dude. That's jumping the gun a little bit. Wii have always been unique in their design, and have never tried, or even boasted about matching up to PS4/Xbox standards.


There is no one out there that wants to only play casual games anymore... lol your going under enough said.. My phone can emulate your games better than your console can play them lmao


The only reason it isn't that popular is because Its getting blown out of the water by XBOX and PS. :D


Doesn't it cost 400 for this Wii U? That is very expensive for a console that is not going to keep up with the Xbox One and the PS4.


generalhunter Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4

that's not what nintendo is about
we don't want another playstation/xbox
they make games that are worth playing, even 10 years from now
pokemon, zelda, and mario are great examples.


generalhunter Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4

No one would buy it lol

If it had FREE online I'm sure lots of people would


generalhunter Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4

No one would buy it lol

If they made a console with the power and freedom of PC without all the other stuff, just for games..

People. Would. Buy. It.

I know I would.


generalhunter Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4

No one would buy it lol


Nintendo have got just over 10 billion in the bank maybe they should go after the hardcore gamers and try to make a console better than the Xb1 & PS4