Black Ops 2 Vengeance DLC hits PS3 & PC

Call of Duty: Blacks Ops 2 players on PS3 and PC can finally download the 'Vengeance' DLC expansion pack today.

The third DLC expansion for the game adds four new multiplayer maps (Cove, Detour, Rush and Uplink) and one new Zombies location (Burried) to the game, along with the Ray Gun Mark II for Zombies mode.

The DLC debuted on July 2 as a timed-exclusive for Xbox Live gamers for 1200 Microsoft Points. PS3 and PC gamers will pay $14.99.

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"Black Ops 2 Vengeance DLC hits PS3 & PC" :: Login/Create an Account :: 101 comments

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Wow they are getting this late


Forget the COD DLC, who's pumped for the Battlefield 4 beta?


Cokes I got bored of the DLC within 2 days. They weren't missing out on much.

I've had it for 6 hours now and yeah, not that much fun. Buried is kinda close quarters.


I always felt bad for these guys! They have to wait 1 month longer to get it. But at least they have time to study the maps! So maybe they have an advantage maybe not.


well, hope pc users and PS3 users have fun :)


I honestly thought this map pack came out so long ago!! And the fact that PS3 noobs can finally play it makes me lol a bit! #IllBePlayingBF3


Homunculous So PC and PS3 are just now able to play the new zombies? Wow, I thought they had it a while ago.

Are you really that stupid?

Sorry I don't stay up to date with PS and PC as I have an xbox. Also, stop spamming the news section to up your posts. You obviously didn't have any valuable input.


I got bored of the DLC within 2 days. They weren't missing out on much.


Homunculous So PC and PS3 are just now able to play the new zombies? Wow, I thought they had it a while ago.

Are you really that stupid?


I really feel bad for the PS3 and PC players that want DLC earlier..some people really want DLC but it really sucks how it is released like a month later.