Forza 5: 'Diverse' range of DLC planned, including 'wild cards'

Turn 10 Studios plans to a release a "diverse" range of DLC for Xbox One launch title Forza 5.

Studio head Dan Greenawalt told OXM that Turn 10 intends to update modes and events to support wilder DLC possibilities post-release.

"The game is very configurable," he said. "So we can add new tools and road locales and regions for like a van class. I think the diversity is a big part of our strength. We have incredible depth across multiple axes. We have the depth of our garage diversity - we do traditionally have SUVs, cars, trucks, racecars, all sorts.

"We have the diversity in manufacturers - it's not like we have 75 of some given manufacturer, we tend to really spread our bed across a lot of manufacturers. And we have a diversity of depth across time, because we do monthly updates of cars, because the car industry is always changing.

"So being able to do monthly cars allows us to do wild cards like the transit van," Greenawalt added. "And it's not like it was a strategy like 'let's add wild things later' - it just happens. We get interest in it, we talk as a team. The nice thing is the game is so configurable that we can add things at will. We can add ten cars a month, just constantly releasing stuff, and the game will rearrange itself.

"As far as the actual architecture allowing us to deliver more [DLC], I wouldn't say that was the case - it's the frequency. We're very agile now with how we can deliver. "

Greenawalt confirmed earlier this week that the racer will not be operable unless users download a mandatory day-one Forza 5 patch. His explanation was that content has been added late into the production schedule.

Check out the first Forza 5 trailer and screenshots.

Microsoft has confirmed that Xbox One will be available in 21 markets this November. The Xbox One price has been set at £425 / €499 / $499.

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"Forza 5: 'Diverse' range of DLC planned, including 'wild cards'" :: Login/Create an Account :: 56 comments

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G9H I find the DLC useless you have enough cars in the game.

only people who waste money buy these sorts of DLC's, i mean the cars may be nice but you dont actually need them


I find the DLC useless you have enough cars in the game.


Same as in Forza 4 then, loads of extra cars; you just have to pay for them!


who actually buys Forza DLC?>


I don't want to buy the DLC. Why can't they just put it in the game already


Hope the DLC is awesome, but why are they already talking about it?


Why would they already be talking about DLC when the game the console is going to come out on is still months away from being released ?????


This game looks pretty promising, the graphics looks incredible. I hope the DLC is awesome


Atleast it will e for the xbox1 I thought it would not be for a while.


Corncake I love all racing games, Midnight Club is my favorite, I wish there were more games like it.

I wish forza would come to ps4 :(

sony has gran turismo which is sort of like forza. There just seems to be something about forza that I like more... Ill mist forza since i wont get a One at launch

They're nothing alike. I own both. I don't like it when people go into these little game wars, but thw whole forza series tramples over the gt series haha