Xbox One can scan QR tags to save entering codes

Thanks to its otherwise much-criticised required Kinect, the Xbox One can circumvent the dreadful business of tapping in codes on a control pad.

Responding a Reddit joke, Microsoft’s Marc Whitten confirmed on Twitter that the new Kinect will be able to read QR codes.

The context implies (but does not promise) Microsoft will use this to allow gamers to enter codes – for promotions, extra content, and so on – by waving an image at the console’s ever-watchful sentinel rather than going through all that control pad nonsense which makes you want to throw the bloody thing through the nearest window and go back to PC gaming.

Hooray. Next generation technology delivers at last – although there’s no guarantee Microsoft and third-parties will act on this potential.

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"Xbox One can scan QR tags to save entering codes" :: Login/Create an Account :: 108 comments

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Its cool I guess :) lol


Ah I had this idea myself only because of the anger I felt after realising after many years that entering codes didn't matter if they were caps or not.


That's pretty cool, I'm not going to lie...


Katsumi This is a pretty good idea.. I never liked entering codes into my Xbox 360 as i found it tedious. Hopefully they do this with Microsoft Point cards and Xbox Live membership.

Thanks for the article

They are getting rid of MS Points so I doubt that... It's probably meant mostly for Season Pass's and other things you get for pre-ordering games,

Yeah it will be in dollar values, but there will still be pre paid cards, to add $20 or whatever to your account,


This is actually really cool news.


Katsumi This is a pretty good idea.. I never liked entering codes into my Xbox 360 as i found it tedious. Hopefully they do this with Microsoft Point cards and Xbox Live membership.

Thanks for the article

They are getting rid of MS Points so I doubt that... It's probably meant mostly for Season Pass's and other things you get for pre-ordering games,

I'm pretty sure they are just being renamed and changed a little. Apparently pre-paid cards will still be available at stores such as gamestop


on another hand thinking about it
this also helps from people scaming little kids cuz they cant send a photo of the code to scan in a xbox message rather then the letter and numbers code
or m i the only person that thought of this? ME FTW LOL


Yes! Thank god. I hate typing codes in!


Katsumi This is a pretty good idea.. I never liked entering codes into my Xbox 360 as i found it tedious. Hopefully they do this with Microsoft Point cards and Xbox Live membership.

Thanks for the article

They are getting rid of MS Points so I doubt that... It's probably meant mostly for Season Pass's and other things you get for pre-ordering games,


I have to hand it to them... that's pretty awesome