Saints Row IV: 10-minute gameplay walkthrough video

Here's a new Saints Row IV gameplay video in which the game's senior producer Jim Boone walks you through new gameplay mechanics.

The first half of the video serves up scenes in the early stages of the game as the alien invasion of Earth commences, before moving on to demonstrate some of the super powers you'll get later in the game.

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RaheemSterling_31 Saints Row isn't meant to be realistic!

I wouldn't mind if it had a degree of realism in it but you are right, it isn't meant to be realistic. People are concerned that this game is going to be a little too 'out there' though


Saints Row isn't meant to be realistic!


Ohh and if any of you didn't know, theirs actually a really good cast behind saints row, that twin, Voilett DeWinterr is played by an ex-porn star, cant remember who, and Johnny Gat is played by a guy who was in Lost, heeps of good castings xD


MrLonelyLobo How can this even be called Saint's Row anymore :(

The guys who did Dead Island are doing this one, maybe that why, Dead Island was awesome, no way near similar as Saints Row tho.


I miss saints row 1 gangs, with protect the pimp. Those were the days.


How can this even be called Saint's Row anymore :(


Its look a bit like cartoons...


yay I don't get the constant bashing on this game. It may be COMPLETELY off track from the saints row series, but it looks stupidly fun. A video game is supposed to be stuff you couldn't ever do. Being the president? Fighting aliens? That sounds fun.

They are fun for a while, but realistic games are fun too, battlefield, thats a great game, but saints row has gone to weird now, i prefer games like halo and gears of war, i find them funner.

Many people are simply sticking to the ideology that if a game isn't realistic it can't be a whole lot of fun. Many people want this game to be like saints row 2, which had a good balance of realism and wackiness. I guess we will have to see how this game turns out


Busselton It's banned in Australia, they can go get screwed, the majority of the people that will buy this are 12 year olds. Saints Row 1 and 2 were the good old days, SR3 was fun but to futureristic, but now we are the president? :|

Thats not the people who make saints row fun, that is Australia, they have chosen to ban it because it is not even age rate-able i think, so blame your government or whatever.


yay I don't get the constant bashing on this game. It may be COMPLETELY off track from the saints row series, but it looks stupidly fun. A video game is supposed to be stuff you couldn't ever do. Being the president? Fighting aliens? That sounds fun.

They are fun for a while, but realistic games are fun too, battlefield, thats a great game, but saints row has gone to weird now, i prefer games like halo and gears of war, i find them funner.