Microsoft confirms day one update must be downloaded for Xbox One

Microsoft revealed earlier today that it's bowing to pressure from some parts of the gaming community and changing its policies regarding used games and mandatory internet connectivity on the Xbox One. While these changes will appease some, they certainly won't please everyone, with some features being dropped as a result of the revised policies.

While the requirement for the console to check in online at least once every 24 hours has been dropped, Xbox One buyers will still need to connect the web the first time they use their console. IGN spoke with Microsoft's Marc Whitten earlier today, who confirmed that users will need to download and install a required update at first launch.

"There was always going to be a day one update on the console," said Whitten, "and that's frankly just a difference in manufacturing schedules versus software schedules. We just wanted to be clear that that hasn't changed, that you have to go online to get the software for day one, then you wouldn't have to be connected after that."

While Whitten didn't reveal details of just what the update might include, or how large it might be, he did say that any web connection will do. In response to an enquiry about whether users will be able to download their update through smartphone tethering, he replied: "Sure. Any way that you can get connectivity to the Live service would enable that to come down to the console."

He added that Microsoft considers that that won't be an issue for the majority of customers: "We believe that most people, frankly, are going to continue to take advantage of the connected state and all that comes with it."

Whitten also noted that Microsoft hasn't changed its stance on Kinect, and that the Xbox One will still require the sensor in order to play games. "We still believe Kinect is a really critical part of the architecture," he said. "We think it changes the way you can interact with your experiences... and we want game and interactive entertainment creators to be able to know they can take advantage of it, and we want it to be completely consistent for our users. So we still are very comitted to how Kinect transforms that experience."

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"Microsoft confirms day one update must be downloaded for Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 113 comments

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PZ7 I dont know whats so bad with an initial update? Majority of people have internet anyways.

Yeah, I guess it's the Kinect thing too.


liamcole123 I'm annoyed that they changed it, the DRM affected a small minority of people, even if you lose your connection, GO OUTSIDE FOR A BIT! In the long run the DRM they originally planned would have been better in the long run! We have now lost out on great opportunities because of people that did not understand the DRM in the first place. It would have revolutionised gaming and now it's gone!

my internet goes out constently sometimes for weeks at a time but I would have rather had to use my phones wifi tether 1 time a day and had those extra benefits when I did have internet and im sure other people could have done the same


Haha just shows how bad its gonna be


I dont know whats so bad with an initial update? Majority of people have internet anyways.


I'm laughing so hard how bad this console is doing this time around.


Tyler- Okay so this doesn't change much except the fact that you always need the first update when you get your console. Just like a Dashboard update, I don't see the big problem here.

Some people don't like the fact that with the always online console, it allowed you to do some really cool stuff, like once you download a game to your Xbox you never need the disk again, or the family sharing with up to 9 people, these can't happen if the cosnole is not always online,people feel that all the winners out there caused this to happen.


liamcole123 I'm annoyed that they changed it, the DRM affected a small minority of people, even if you lose your connection, GO OUTSIDE FOR A BIT! In the long run the DRM they originally planned would have been better in the long run! We have now lost out on great opportunities because of people that did not understand the DRM in the first place. It would have revolutionised gaming and now it's gone!

i agree there bro.


I'm annoyed that they changed it, the DRM affected a small minority of people, even if you lose your connection, GO OUTSIDE FOR A BIT! In the long run the DRM they originally planned would have been better in the long run! We have now lost out on great opportunities because of people that did not understand the DRM in the first place. It would have revolutionised gaming and now it's gone!


Yin I don't understand why an initial update is needed. I like what they have done, but I don't understand it either way. He said there was always going to be one (with or without the DRM.) So what is that for I wonder? Oh well. I like this better than needing it every 24 hours. Great thing.

i dont know why ur ***** its just one update and if u dont have a web connection then dont buy the xbox one :)

Wow calm the **** down you little kid.

YIN STFU you little ****. what they did helps us and **** sony

Dude chill out, Yin is a Microsoft customer, he was just stating that he found it weird that it's mandatory to update the console when it comes out on release date.


I don't see the big deal about the mandatory internet. It's 2013 christ. Who doesn't have internet? And the people that don't have internet wouldn't be able to afford a new console anyway.
I know for damn sure if there's ever a problem with my internet I don't play anyway.
you lonely fools that play single player offline go buy a ps4, nobody cares about you anyway.

Yea because everyone everywhere has internet huh? I live in New Orleans, where if a hurricane hits and power and internet goes down, we don't have internet for weeks after power is restored. With that crap, they would had been making a billion dollar mistake. Besides these days internet is a luxury, and not everyone with little income can afford it.

Well I pretty sure you would have to worry about more things than playing your xbox.

I LoL at these type of statements when people try and use an extreme instance on a simple object

Who cares? Im not that addicted to Xbox. Boohoo ****** dont play for a week.

You guys complain about the internet connectivity problems on the internet. I don't get how it affects you at all.

On that hurricane idea, you can evacuate with all your stuff before it hits, just like any other hurricane. If you were stupid enough to stay in a horrific hurricane, you deserve to lose your internet and other stuff.

If you left you would still lose internet unless you spend $20,000 on staying in a hotel for 4 weeks.

Actually in appropriate cases, you would either have family to go to OR places would cover your expenses in a horrific event, but that's besides the point, I'm glad MS has done this, it shows they listen!