Black Ops 2 ‘Vengeance’ DLC Trailer; coming July 2nd to Xbox 360

Activision has officially announced the third DLC for Black Ops 2, called ‘Vengeance.’ This DLC will be available July 2nd on Xbox 360.

Multiplayer maps:
Detour – Players fight amongst the scattered vehicles, exposed iron and collapsed pavement of a destroyed suspension bridge, high above this East Coast waterway where the action can play out on multiple levels.

Uplink – In this re-imagined adaptation of the fan-favorite Call of Duty®: Black Ops multiplayer map Summit, players clash deep in the rain-soaked jungles of Myanmar, high atop a hi-tech mountain facility.

Rush- Fast, close-quarter engagements are assured in this paintball course turned full- combat arena, giving players new opportunities and challenges to use the cover to their advantage.

Cove – The stage is set for all-out conflict on this small, forgotten island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, where players battle it out amongst the wreckage of a jet that crash-landed during a smuggling operation gone wrong.

Buried – Players will be challenged to face their deepest fears, trapped inside a long-forgotten subterranean Old West mining town infested with swarms of the undead.
Bonus Ray Gun for Zombies – Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 Vengeance owners will also receive a brand-new bonus Wonder Weapon – the Ray Gun Mark II – available for use in every Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 Zombies map.

Vengeance DLC pack will launch on other platforms at a later date.

Get your first look at “Vengeance,” the third DLC Map Pack available for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Vengeance includes four new Multiplayer maps: Cove, Detour, Rush, and Uplink, a reimagining of the classic map Summit. Also included is the brand new Zombies adventure Buried, which features the new bonus Zombies weapon, the Ray Gun Mark II.
Vengeance arrives first on Xbox LIVE on July 2nd

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"Black Ops 2 ‘Vengeance’ DLC Trailer; coming July 2nd to Xbox 360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 120 comments

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Doesn't look all that good in my opinion.. only 3 of the maps are really new.


This needs to come out earlier.


This is probally the only map pack I'll buy for BO2


Why do the cod maps look like a small floor plan in battlefield 3 lol, but buried looks good!


Tyler- Really the Ray gun Mark II Sounds like I'll be playing zombies a little more with Die Rise being such a disappointment with lack of objectives. Hopefully theres a little something extra in this one.

Die Rise was too easy if you got the Sliquifier, run a train with it and you're set until you mess up, but even then you can more and likely correct your mistake if you spray it like crazy.


Really the Ray gun Mark II Sounds like I'll be playing zombies a little more with Die Rise being such a disappointment with lack of objectives. Hopefully theres a little something extra in this one.


Looks good but i don't have bo2


ohmaigawd it looks so good, i herd there is a bunch of easter eggs and back stories to that new zombie map, like it will be the last for that new crew because they are supposed to literally die at the end O_O i can only wait and see


All i care about is zombies at this point. The COD multiplayer has died and wont be coming back to anything playable again. Please bring out a stand alone zombies game!


I'm really excited about the map rush.