Mattrick defends the pricing on the Xbox One

Microsoft's Don Mattrick spoke with a company about the Xbox One's pricing. He stated that the $499.99 price tag was an under statement to many analysts. They believed that the price was going to be set higher in the market.

He stated that the Xbox One is delivering thousands of dollars of entertainment for the user to enjoy. Mattrick believes people are going to love the system.



"Mattrick defends the pricing on the Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 103 comments

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Equalise Either way im buying the new xbox, regardless of the price

Why though? Why are people actually buying the Xbox One? It's as if you don't even own the console, Microsoft does. You're only renting it. You're paying an extra $100 for restrictions and being spied on! When you buy a game you get bored of, you can't trade it in so you waste money. Are people too blind to realize how much of a mistake they're making?

Actually you pay 100 more for kinect. Also they've already said they'll support trade ins. Please don't post unless you fully understand the subject.


Equalise Either way im buying the new xbox, regardless of the price

Why though? Why are people actually buying the Xbox One? It's as if you don't even own the console, Microsoft does. You're only renting it. You're paying an extra $100 for restrictions and being spied on! When you buy a game you get bored of, you can't trade it in so you waste money. Are people too blind to realize how much of a mistake they're making?

Yes, you can **** trade it in. No, i'm not being spied on, i'll simply turn the damn thing off, i own the **** console i can do what i like with it i'll just void the warranty. Yes, it needs internet every 24 hours but i'm not sad enough to take it on holiday. Yes, UNLIKE STEAM(WHICH HAS BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS), we can share our game with up to 10 people, and recent information shows there will be a different system for more friends.

Yes, XBL is now cheaper to play online, and no, i don't give a shit about netflix, and i'm not going with a company which were taken down by angry teenagers.


Equalise Either way im buying the new xbox, regardless of the price

Why though? Why are people actually buying the Xbox One? It's as if you don't even own the console, Microsoft does. You're only renting it. You're paying an extra $100 for restrictions and being spied on! When you buy a game you get bored of, you can't trade it in so you waste money. Are people too blind to realize how much of a mistake they're making?


-Brayden Honestly, all these "entertainment" features they are offering aren't that great. I can watch netflix on my computer, I can watch TV on my TV, etc.
its all in one thats the point...


TTGkiefee It would be 400 if kenect wasent 100 dollars like it was for Xbox 360

I agree plus this is far cheaper than I thought lol


It would be 400 if kenect wasent 100 dollars like it was for Xbox 360


Metro_2033 The xbox one is a bag of shite. #PS4

You spelled shit wrong. #gobackto3rdgrade


Either way im buying the new xbox, regardless of the price


I think Mattrick means it's cheaper than older generation consoles.


Seriously, they are giving us stuff we already have. Like the ability to watch cable television.