Xbox One: Games Confirmed for Day One

With the Xbox One coming out in November, people have been wondering what games are going to be released the first day. With recent announcements and bundles being sold at retail stores, the following are confirmed games being sold on day one right now. There might be some the come up near the release date.

Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Dead Rising 3
Forza Motorsport 5
Madden NFL 25
NBA Live 14
Killer Instinct
Kinect Sports Rivals
Ryse: Son of Rome
Skylanders: Swap Force

Remember, many of these are included in a bundle when you go to preorder at a retail store.

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"Xbox One: Games Confirmed for Day One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 102 comments

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Disorts xbox i paid it off and im buying ryse BF4 COD And a controller.

Another person getting ripped off. How does it feel kind gamer?


I can't wait to see the new Ignite engine in action... Too bad it won't be coming to PC though.


xbox i paid it off and im buying ryse BF4 COD And a controller.


Battlefield 4
Dead Rising 3
Ryse:Son of Rome

3 games I'm getting on day one.


so I have to wait for ghost so I could buy it for xbox one


awesome can't wait for ghosts


Awesome, I've been waiting for this to be posted.

I can't wait to play BF4!


looking forward to BF4 on my PC :D


I Wont Be Getting It for A Little While After But When I Do I'm Going To Get The Crew.


ShadowBoltDashie Madden 25? I thought there was only Madden 13, or is this for like all the Madden years or something.

25th year.

Ohh, I feel dumb now. I haven't played much of Madden so I wasn't aware that it was their 25th year or anything.