Xbox chief: we have a product for people who can't get online

Did you think the Xbox 360 was being kept around just for the budget market? It turns out Microsoft's got another sort of customer in mind for the revamped last-gen hardware: the crews of nuclear submarines. Xbox chief Don Mattrick, in response to the backlash over the Xbox One requiring an internet connection, said that "fortunately, we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360." As an example, he referred to a crew member on a nuclear submarine, who would be better off with the 360, as it's an "offline device." The full quotes are after the break, along with the video -- oh, and Sony's message to submarine crews too.

MATTRICK: "Some of the advantages that you get, of having, a box that is designed to use an online state, so, that, uh, to me is the future-proof choice, and I think people, could've arguably gone the other way if we didn't do it and fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360."

KEIGHLEY: "Right, so stick with 360, that's your message if you don't [inaudible] like it?"

MATTRICK: "Well, if you have zero access to the internet, that is an offline device, I mean, seriously, when I read the blogs, and thought about who's really the most impacted, there was a person who said 'hey, I'm on a nuclear sub,' and I don't even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub but I've gotta imagine it's not easy to get an internet connection."

KEIGHLEY: "[inaudible] playing call of duty multiplayer"

MATTRICK: "Hey, I can empathize, if I was on a nuclear sub, I'd be disappointed."

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"Xbox chief: we have a product for people who can't get online" :: Login/Create an Account :: 87 comments

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MPAA The PS4 is gonna so dominate this generation, no doubt about it.

Not Really Xbox One HAs Really Good Features Too.

Yea like NSA cam.

WTF is an NSA cam?

Government wants to spy through Kinect.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Our government doesn't give a **** about kinect. People are really paranoid about kinect because they think the gov't is watching them? LMAO, that is really funny. MS already said you can completely turn Kinect off when you shut the system down.

You obviously haven't even read up on the system your fanboying if you can turn the Kinect completely off how can you say Xbox On? your an idiot the NSA is a government association which would like to use Kinect i've said this a million times on this site. Please get educated before posting.

Shut up, none of you kids are important enough for the NSA to waste their time. And I doubt the government has the time nor resources to actively watch everyone using the Xbox One 24/7. And if you have a cell phone, they could be watching you through that, kids are so damn stupid these days.

you can completely shut it down its an option


They were basically insulting xboxOne


MPAA The PS4 is gonna so dominate this generation, no doubt about it.

Not Really Xbox One HAs Really Good Features Too.

Yea like NSA cam.

It's not like there is no such thing as "Big Brother" or anything.

WTF is an NSA cam?

Government wants to spy through Kinect.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Our government doesn't give a **** about kinect. People are really paranoid about kinect because they think the gov't is watching them? LMAO, that is really funny. MS already said you can completely turn Kinect off when you shut the system down.

Like the government isn't watching you through webcam. They are listening now. Kinect or not...

If they want to watch me let them I aint got shit to hide


I just don't get why they can just drop the always online thing like it's causing to many issues.


slapshot101 What happens in three years when nobody is making games for the 360 anymore, what are those people suppost to do then. Plus think about all the military personel who live in places around the world and more every few years, how are they suppost to use the One if it is region locked.

He talked about that in a video and basically said for military people to get a 360 MS is a selfish company.

They can seem selfish at times, I agree. But for the love of god listen to what you're suggesting: "If that guy says to get a 360 if you don't have internet, Microsoft has to be selfish!" Oh my goodness. No. Just, no. You think he's gonna risk losing sales and his job by recommending that consumers should instead buy an iPad or a PS4? No! He's promoting one of THEIR products!! Like any other big company would! That's like telling me EA or Apple or Activision is selfish when they make products and endorse them to make what every other company wants to make: A profit.

I can agree that he didn't necessarily put that in the nicest tone, but please cut them some slack for promoting a product that they have available when any company would do the same thing.


MPAA The PS4 is gonna so dominate this generation, no doubt about it.

Not Really Xbox One HAs Really Good Features Too.

Yea like NSA cam.

It's not like there is no such thing as "Big Brother" or anything.

WTF is an NSA cam?

Government wants to spy through Kinect.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Our government doesn't give a **** about kinect. People are really paranoid about kinect because they think the gov't is watching them? LMAO, that is really funny. MS already said you can completely turn Kinect off when you shut the system down.

Like the government isn't watching you through webcam. They are listening now. Kinect or not...

Plus, Microsfot signed up for PRISMA


slapshot101 What happens in three years when nobody is making games for the 360 anymore, what are those people suppost to do then. Plus think about all the military personel who live in places around the world and more every few years, how are they suppost to use the One if it is region locked.

No disrespect to those serving our country, god bless them.
OT: In 3 years(or whenever they stop making games for the 360) they can still play their 360's oversea or wherever they are. The damn console isn't gonna explode, and guess what; the games will still work too. If for some reason they can't use a 360, then they can go get another system if they want or simply not use one. I realize they need time to wind down and relax but that doesn't mean they're playing Xbox or PlayStation for every second of their free time.


Can you all just shut up. Everyone is just getting a wedgie talking crap about Xbox when in the long run and come November, Xbox is going to be the dominate console. Most people that play Xbox are online all the time anyway. My friend said he is getting a PS4 because he doesn't want to have to sign in all the time. Even though he automatically signs on XBL everyday. Xbox is just the better console no matter what.

a little bit of change and everyone loses their minds..


MPAA The PS4 is gonna so dominate this generation, no doubt about it.

Not Really Xbox One HAs Really Good Features Too.

Yea like NSA cam.

It's not like there is no such thing as "Big Brother" or anything.

WTF is an NSA cam?

Government wants to spy through Kinect.

Are you kidding me? Seriously? Our government doesn't give a **** about kinect. People are really paranoid about kinect because they think the gov't is watching them? LMAO, that is really funny. MS already said you can completely turn Kinect off when you shut the system down.

Like the government isn't watching you through webcam. They are listening now. Kinect or not...


CleverJimmy This guy sounds like an a$$h0l3

Well he's the chief of Xbox, so you would imagine he'd encourage people to buy their products. What did you want him to say, "If you don't like online requirements, go get a PS4" ? No. Sony would do the same thing he did if the online requirements were the other way around. He's promoting his products like any other guy would. So what if he sounds like an a**hole? Give the man some slack.