E3 2013: Titanfall will have dedicated servers

Following a demonstration of Titanfall at E3, EA's Craig Owens confirmed that the game will have dedicated servers on all platforms – PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

"We're using Microsoft's cloud compute initiative to run all our servers for it, so it's all running on dedicated servers," Owens said. "We'll spin up and spin down servers as necessary, and it'll do all the AI hosting and physics calculations and all matchmaking and all of that good stuff. It's all dedicated servers, all the time."

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/06/11/titanfall-will-have-dedicated-servers/


"E3 2013: Titanfall will have dedicated servers" :: Login/Create an Account :: 54 comments

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Looks really good


Good, this game looks impressive so far, hope it's as good as it seems!


Nice! Game looks pretty good.


Dedicated servers will be amazing with it. I just wonder if they are using Xbox's could servers then how are they going to run the game on PC? Plus aren't the servers for One and the 360 different?


Wrong section, but I want to comment anyway, this is one of the games that I'm most looking forward to, the gameplay trailer shown was absolutely stunning.


Why is this in the PlayStation news when it isn't actually being released on the PlayStation?


The gameplay was simply amazing for this game. A lot of new games have got me interested this year and I'm not really a gamer much anymore.


I'm gonna buy this title. It looks amazing.


keelanhowes This is not news for playstation? its a xbox live/pc exclusive

Really lol what?


This is not news for playstation? its a xbox live/pc exclusive