MW2 Exploited Xbox360 Unlimited Everything


The Modern Warfare 2 Mods in this video are taken on the Xbox360. You can see we are able to have unlimited ammo, call in super airdrops, and we also have unlimited ammo on the AC130. Before anyone asks, yes these do work in ranked games and at this point we will not be allowing users to know how its done. This due to the damage it will cause to the game. This is more of a wake up call to Infinity Ward letting them know both Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2 have been exploited. We wont be using it in a malicious way towards the game, If this was to be released it would rock Modern Warfare 2. If you want to play an unlimited ammo and xp match post a message on the forums and we will invite you. These mods were found by a TTG member that does not want their name posted. Hope you enjoy the video.



"MW2 Exploited Xbox360 Unlimited Everything" :: Login/Create an Account :: 286 comments

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invite me H e zz i K plz do it ill love you forever


Aight ill play and try this shit out.

GamerTag: Fur Russia


sure man looks fun if u can invite me i would love to play ulimited everything gt= Luhve


my tag: PoisonScorpion


gettiong patched today :@ along with private match xp.... im sure we'll find a way around thepatch xD


hey if this still works can you invite me?

GT: sk8rpunk94


hey please invite me ide like to do this to rank up, ill let you get fall camos if u let me rank up using this

GT- Sn1ff1n_M4rk3rz


sweet id like to participate in this too my GT is RoBxUnToUcHaBLe


I wanna play unlimited ammo with you guys.


Any day from 3:00 EST to 8:00 EST and all day saturday


Gamertag is zSiq