DICE general manager promises 'surprises' at E3

Battlefield 4 studio DICE will reveal "a couple of surprises" during EA's E3 press conference on Monday.

While the studio's work on Battlefield 4 is no surprise, it's likely DICE general manager Karl-Magnus Troedsson is referring to Mirror's Edge 2, which has leaked several times during the last fortnight

A Mirror's Edge 2 'help centre' was found on the official EA website, while several retailers have prematurely listed the title.

A DICE representative also confirmed on Twitter earlier this week that no Battlefield: Bad Company games are currently in development. "Battlefield 4 is our main focus for the year," the Tweet read.

Elsewhere, it was confirmed early last month that EA has gained the rights to develop and publish Star Wars games. EA Labels President Frank Gibeau confirmed that DICE will be among the developers working on the franchise, alongside Visceral and BioWare.

EA's E3 press conference will take place June 10.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/410710/dice-general-manager-promises-surprises-at-e3/


"DICE general manager promises 'surprises' at E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 39 comments

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Cant wait to see what they reveal


Can't wait!


ExoticWolfs I can't wait for BF4! :3 Never heard or played Mirror's Edge though.

Mirror's Edge was pretty fun, I enjoyed it even though at times it did get frustrating because I was too slow or messed something up completely. I would definitely buy Mirror's Edge 2. I'm hoping it's not all sport reveals as the "surprise" I also want to see what they have to show for Battlefield 4.


I can't wait for BF4! :3 Never heard or played Mirror's Edge though.


All I want is Mirror's Edge 2. I don't even care about battlefield 4 just give me my Mirror's Edge.


This might be me only, but does anybody else hope the star wars franchise will stop being only lego and crap and go back to how the PS2 star wars games were? Like Star Wars: Battlefront 1 and 2, and also Star Wars Ep: 3? I'm kinda hoping on a Battlefront sequal


-Wonderwaffle- Whats in the bottom right corner. I could be wrong but that looks like a Dinosaur!!!

If you're talking about the video, then you are wrong. That's the End Game art of the guy riding a dirt bike with someone on the back.


Cant wait.


coDyDaTallGuy We need a good Star Wars game to come out!!!

Star wars battlefront 3 is being made. I cant wait!


Can't wait to watch this. I wish i had the money to go!