Batman: Arkham Origins revealed on Game Informer cover, out Oct. 25

Warner Bros. Montreal is making the next Batman Arkham game, called Arkham Origins, Game Informer has just revealed. Set before the previous game, Arkham Origins shows Batman encountering many of his villains for the first time, including Deathstroke. Warner Bros. Montreal is responsible for the Wii U port of Batman: Arkham City, taking over the series from originator Rocksteady Games. WB has brought in creative director Eric Holmes, who worked as lead designer on open-world superhero games The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Prototype.

Batman: Arkham Origins will be released on Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360, and PC October 25.

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate will be the 3DS and Vita companion to the console release, launching the same day. Developed by Armature Studio, the game is a 2.5D Metroidvania-style action game. Armature was founded by leads from the Metroid Prime series. When this game is released, it will be Armature's first original game. Just today, Armature's work on a cancelled Mega Man X FPS was revealed.

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"Batman: Arkham Origins revealed on Game Informer cover, out Oct. 25" :: Login/Create an Account :: 50 comments

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looks awesome the villans look good


Looks pretty cool, based on the cover. The "villain" on the back reminds me of like Iron Man mixed w/ a ninja.


Well that's awhile away.


I'm glad they took a bit more time to develop this game, looks like it'll turn out great


I just beat Batman: Arkham City and I can't wait to get this game.


I think they should get away from the "arkham" theme. It feels like they've been using that for too long now.


Kik I might actually get this game, that cover looks amazing!

it really does and i hope its even better then the last one


I might actually get this game, that cover looks amazing!


What Im getting this i love batman games


I've always been a fan of these games. I might get it