Xbox 720, Durango announcement delayed a month

New information concerning when Microsoft will formally announce their next-generation home console – codenamed Durango – surfaced on March 28.

According to a Tweet by Paul Thurrott, an individual who has sources within Microsoft and was one of the first to hint at an April reveal, it appears that the Xbox 720 – or Durango – will not be announced in April as previously expected.

Thurrott shares that Microsoft’s planned reveal of their next-gen home console has been delayed by a month.

His full Tweet reads:

That April Xbox announce? Pushed back a month.

With a delay in place, this points to Microsoft announcing the Xbox 720 just prior to E3 2013 if the company decides to announce it in May.

Currently Microsoft’s Major Nelson has a countdown running on his website that ends at the start of E3; a possible indicator of when Durango will be announced and shown to the public.

Hopefully the wait for Microsoft to announce their next-generation console is not much longer. If it is to take place before E3 2013 at a Xbox 720 exclusive event, invitations should start arriving to media during the latter half of April.

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"Xbox 720, Durango announcement delayed a month" :: Login/Create an Account :: 276 comments

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I can wait another month for this.


Mitzz oh good, im not getting this anyway

I don't think I'll be getting it right away.. But if its cool OI

Everyone says that, I'll be getting it BECAUSE micorsoft has gotten their **** together and if something does happen they're not gonna **** you over and they'll replace it for free AND keep in mind if that does happen and it takes longer than they say it's because THERE'S OTHERS!

Microsoft's support team sucks. Thats all i have to say. I have gotten 3 accounts hacked and never had one dime replaced. Terrible support.


Mitzz oh good, im not getting this anyway

I don't think I'll be getting it right away.. But if its cool OI

Everyone says that, I'll be getting it BECAUSE micorsoft has gotten their shit together and if something does happen they're not gonna **** you over and they'll replace it for free AND keep in mind if that does happen and it takes longer than they say it's because THERE'S OTHERS!


Mitzz oh good, im not getting this anyway

I don't think I'll be getting it right away.. But if its cool OI


if you think about it, 1 month is not alot of time anyway.


oh good, im not getting this anyway


Mitzz why is it called durango? i wonder how they got that name

I think it's the "name" they gave it until they official announce it. Alot of people have guessed it's the Xbox 720 but we will have to wait and see.

Yeah it's just a codename for it... Not the actual name.

I personally think its a suitable name, but the 720 would be alright too. I'll have to follow this dude on twitter to see some more news.


Mitzz why is it called durango? i wonder how they got that name
Its a devkit i beleave

Pretty sure it is


Mitzz why is it called durango? i wonder how they got that name

I think it's the "name" they gave it until they official announce it. Alot of people have guessed it's the Xbox 720 but we will have to wait and see.

Yeah it's just a codename for it... Not the actual name.


Mitzz why is it called durango? i wonder how they got that name

I think it's the "name" they gave it until they official announce it. Alot of people have guessed it's the Xbox 720 but we will have to wait and see.