Wii U April update cuts loading time for returning to menu

The Wii U system update due next month is being touted as a large one by Nintendo, and here's one of the reasons why. As previously indicated, the update increases the speed of returning from a game to the Wii U menu, but this video shows just how significant that speed boost is.

Going by this video, it'll take almost two thirds less time - from around 23 seconds to just 9 - to exit out of a game and return to the Wii U menu following the update.

While we can't test the update for ourselves just yet, we can and did verify the 'before' video's accuracy with our own side-by-side comparison; our Wii U took the exact same time to exit out of New Super Mario Bros. U. So no, no one sneakily pressed any pause buttons.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/27/wii-u-april-update-boosts-returning-to-menu-speed-significantly/


"Wii U April update cuts loading time for returning to menu" :: Login/Create an Account :: 120 comments

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Wow! The original one takes ages, I wonder why it takes so long.


Origamo Why does it take so long?

Thats what I would like to know like holy crap haha!


that's good news :)


Brad- I took 23 seconds just to exit a game? No wonder it's doing so bad, it looks terrible from everything i've seen about it!

Not only is it terrible the sales are terrible

It's just a bad console overall


Brad- I took 23 seconds just to exit a game? No wonder it's doing so bad, it looks terrible from everything i've seen about it!

Not only is it terrible the sales are terrible


I didnt really notice the time difference until now :0


It takes 29 seconds just to go to the Menu?


zR-Tx Wow thats a major difference in speed! Hopefully they bring out more good updates!

Yeah it is pretty substantial.

well hope their going in the right direction.

Im sure they will be, they should have alot more updates in the future.


Relations Why does it take so lang to return to the menu? I find the Wii U a fail to be honest..

After the update it wont.

Origamo Why does it take so long?

After the update it wont.


Why does it take so lang to return to the menu? I find the Wii U a fail to be honest..