Terraria release date announced

505 Games have finally announced the release date for their long-awaited XBLA & PSN port of the Indie PC hit, Terraria.
This will be available on the 27th of March, which by my reckoning is next Wednesday.
This will feature 4 player split screen, 8 player online multiplayer plus some all-new content compared to the PC version.
So, look out for it on the XBLA marketplace, also the price of the game will be at 1200 MS Points.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.xboxer360.com/news/terraria-release-date-announced/


"Terraria release date announced" :: Login/Create an Account :: 253 comments

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XME Yes it is out now! For me atleast :P

Have you started playing it yet?

Well shit, i spent all my MS points already.


Gossip This doesnt look like a fun game...

That's exactly what I'm thinking

Im thinking the same thing, but ill try it, and see how it is.


Gossip This doesnt look like a fun game...

That's exactly what I'm thinking


This doesnt look like a fun game...


XME Yes it is out now! For me atleast :P

Have you started playing it yet?


Yes it is out now! For me atleast :P


PX-21 I can't wait for this to be released. I only recently started playing it on PC and will more than likely buy it on Xbox as soon as its released. It's a great and fun way to pass time....

It got released today i think or its tomorrow

It's released on March 27th.

So its out today then?


PX-21 I can't wait for this to be released. I only recently started playing it on PC and will more than likely buy it on Xbox as soon as its released. It's a great and fun way to pass time....

It got released today i think or its tomorrow

It's released on March 27th.


usairforce I'm going to buy it

I might, if i have leftover ms points from the sale today.

I didn't even know there was a sale. I haven't been on in a few weeks. I'll have to check this out.

yeah it started today

Yeah I went on Xbox .com and looked at everything! I might get some things. Probably buy this game.


Activez- I've never played this game but I've heard it was good.

To be honest, It's just MineCraft but in 2D.. Pretty boring overall I prefer the 3D version! :D

Agreed, I've played it and it just wasn't as fun.