Saints Row 4 receives release date & trailer

Just a few moments ago, a trailer was released for Saints Row 4, along with an official release date, which is August 20th, 2013 and has a release date of August 23rd in Europe.

It is noted that this isn't just Saints Row 3's "Enter the Dominatrix" DLC on a disk.
"That expansion was cancelled and elements of it were rolled into Saints Row 4," a spokesperson for publisher Deep Silver tells sources. "There will be a director's cut of Enter the Dominatrix released as DLC when SR4 comes out."

The game is being developed for PC and "current-gen consoles." In a follow-up, we clarified that does not include Wii U.

Here is the trailer, if you haven't seen it yet.
(I can't help but think this is just Saints Row 3 with different stuff added - Saints Row 3.5 anyone?)

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"Saints Row 4 receives release date & trailer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 327 comments

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The trailers are pretty funny


Amendment This game looks like a fail xD

Agreed, looks like a childs game, all to silly for me

Not really, really violent and sex etc.

no but all the stupid stuff like a policeman with eyes bulging out of his head has never appealed to me, guess its just one of those things

Kinda true , a little too cartoonish.


Amendment This game looks like a fail xD

Agreed, looks like a childs game, all to silly for me

Not really, really violent and sex etc.

no but all the stupid stuff like a policeman with eyes bulging out of his head has never appealed to me, guess its just one of those things


Amendment This game looks like a fail xD

Agreed, looks like a childs game, all to silly for me

Not really, really violent and sex etc.


Amendment This game looks like a fail xD

Agreed, looks like a childs game, all to silly for me


DrTwiist Looks so sic and fun, Definatly Getting it!

Yeah, it looks awesome!

Yea imma get it when it comes out.


DrTwiist Looks so sic and fun, Definatly Getting it!

Yeah, it looks awesome!


Iglesias Saints Row 4 = Modern Warefare 3 ?

I won't be getting this but I'll wait a few weeks and get GTA 5.

yea...................... and Need for Speed = Minecraft, which you know, totally copied Skyrim

What are you talking about? Minecraft is nothing like Skyrim and if anything Skyrim would have copyed Minecraft as Minecraft was out years before Skyrim was. You sir have no logic.

Exactly what i said. thanks for helping clear it up.

Ok, well I was making fun of the "Saints Row 4 = Modern warfare 3" part. I guess I went full retard.


Iglesias Saints Row 4 = Modern Warefare 3 ?

I won't be getting this but I'll wait a few weeks and get GTA 5.

yea...................... and Need for Speed = Minecraft, which you know, totally copied Skyrim

you are an idiot minecraft is way better than skyrim and was out year before.


Iglesias Saints Row 4 = Modern Warefare 3 ?

I won't be getting this but I'll wait a few weeks and get GTA 5.

yea...................... and Need for Speed = Minecraft, which you know, totally copied Skyrim

What are you talking about? Minecraft is nothing like Skyrim and if anything Skyrim would have copyed Minecraft as Minecraft was out years before Skyrim was. You sir have no logic.

Exactly what i said. thanks for helping clear it up.