Tomb Raider sells 1 million in less than 48 hours


The tomb raider reboot has just been confirmed as having sold over 1 million copies in the 48 hours post launch. The reboot of the series is a smashing hit with fans based on these numbers. We here at TheTechGame hope this means more content and eventually more games of tomb raider following in this game's foot steps.

The following sources were used to verify this story:

Eidos AdminKarl Stewart - global brand director of Tomb Raider

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"Tomb Raider sells 1 million in less than 48 hours" :: Login/Create an Account :: 269 comments

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Not surprised, the game looks great to me. I will hopefully be getting it soon for PC. Haven't had to chance to get it yet.


Wow, the game looks awesome.


Mining This looks like a neat game, can someone explain what it's about

I always thought it was about zombies


This looks like a neat game, can someone explain what it's about


xIIJazza This game is actually insane, Completed it before the release date cause I loved it that much

lol im just starting :P


This game is actually insane, Completed it before the release date cause I loved it that much


Yikes Dang, that sure is a lot of sales.

Especially for 48 hours.

Really. That is crazy.


Centurial Game looks good, might have to rent it sometime and see if i like it.

I know I'm picking it up soon. Just gonna wait and see if there is a price drop or sale.

Yea, that would be nice. I may get it when there is a price drop.


Centurial Game looks good, might have to rent it sometime and see if i like it.

I know I'm picking it up soon. Just gonna wait and see if there is a price drop or sale.


Centurial Game looks good, might have to rent it sometime and see if i like it.

If you're into action/adventure. Pick it up for sure.