Tomb Raider sells 1 million in less than 48 hours


The tomb raider reboot has just been confirmed as having sold over 1 million copies in the 48 hours post launch. The reboot of the series is a smashing hit with fans based on these numbers. We here at TheTechGame hope this means more content and eventually more games of tomb raider following in this game's foot steps.

The following sources were used to verify this story:

Eidos AdminKarl Stewart - global brand director of Tomb Raider

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"Tomb Raider sells 1 million in less than 48 hours" :: Login/Create an Account :: 269 comments

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Liami Is this game good i might get it

I have it. It's amazing.


i love this game,its great.


Big milestone to hit and i'm loving the game. :D


im getting it today to check it out wish me luck


Liami Is this game good i might get it

if it sells 1 million copies, im pretty sure it's good


Mortar The game is quite enjoyable, but it is a shame that you're unable to swim as in my opinion, that would have made the game 10 times better.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to do... they should really consider it.


That's crazy


This game has one hell of a storyline.


Mortar The game is quite enjoyable, but it is a shame that you're unable to swim as in my opinion, that would have made the game 10 times better.

True. But it's still a great game.


The game is quite enjoyable, but it is a shame that you're unable to swim as in my opinion, that would have made the game 10 times better.