EA denies Dead Space 4 'axe' despite missing sales targets

In February, it was believed that Dead Space 4 had been axed due to it's predecessors not doing well regarding their sales.

However, recently a representative for Electronic Arts has claimed that the rumor regarding Dead Space 4 is not true. The British representative initially declined to comment when approached by sources.
EA has not fully disclosed whether or not it has closed the Visceral Montreal studio.

Meanwhile - Dino Ignacio, a UI lead at Visceral Games, has denied the rumor on his personal Twitter account.

He said:
"The reports of our death were greatly exaggerated. Please stand by."

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"EA denies Dead Space 4 'axe' despite missing sales targets" :: Login/Create an Account :: 193 comments

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Soulful Hopefully they will still make the new game, despite the sales.

Yeah, doesn't hurt to have a new one

Well if they're not making much money (if any) then why would they make it?

Actually it does hurt to make a new one. They will spend a quite a bit of money on employees and rights to a new one only to not get any sales... That would be detrimental to their funds for future titles whether it's another Dead Space or not.


I feel like they should of stopped at Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3 doesn't look that great due to commercials
But why make another one if nobody is buying them
You aren't going to make money by making another one


Soulful Hopefully they will still make the new game, despite the sales.

Yeah, doesn't hurt to have a new one

Well if they're not making much money (if any) then why would they make it?


Soulful Hopefully they will still make the new game, despite the sales.

Yeah, doesn't hurt to have a new one


i love this game how is it not doing good?


this game is the shit how is it not doing good


hope it continues,it is a great series.


Gossip What does "axed" mean exactly? Does it mean like cut?

Not making the game anymore, the idea has been cut, yes.


That sucks, I enjoyed DS2 the most especially, it's an original game.


Axe My name is in the title of this article. Anyway, I wasn't really a big deadspace player anyway.

Same here, i was never big on the Dead Space games.

We'll see how this turns out.