EA denies Dead Space 4 'axe' despite missing sales targets

In February, it was believed that Dead Space 4 had been axed due to it's predecessors not doing well regarding their sales.

However, recently a representative for Electronic Arts has claimed that the rumor regarding Dead Space 4 is not true. The British representative initially declined to comment when approached by sources.
EA has not fully disclosed whether or not it has closed the Visceral Montreal studio.

Meanwhile - Dino Ignacio, a UI lead at Visceral Games, has denied the rumor on his personal Twitter account.

He said:
"The reports of our death were greatly exaggerated. Please stand by."

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"EA denies Dead Space 4 'axe' despite missing sales targets" :: Login/Create an Account :: 193 comments

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Glad they didn't axe it


Mazur i never got into dead space, maybe now that i have a job i can get all 3 :)

a lot of money for a game you have never have played


i never got into dead space, maybe now that i have a job i can get all 3 :)


Glad it isn't axed :p


I'm mad they dinied it, oh well. :)


Aww i Hope not cause i played on of the series its great!


Cygnet never got into Dead space, but im going to my friends house this weekend, and he has it...so maybe ill be able to play it :)

Yeah, my cousin has it and it is pretty fun.

I thought it was doing well...


Onitehcamper lol, it's such a beast game too bad the sales are doing so good

Yea, agreed

I thought DS3 was doing fine, this shocked me a lot!


I'll actually be so disappointed if it does get 'axed'. Hopefully it's not true as they said though.


Tuba really hope it isn't axed :(

Going to be axed* wish you could edit news posts lol