Diablo 3 announced for the PlayStation 4

That is right, Diablo 3 is going to be on the PS4, and this is going to be the smoothest, easiest to play Diablo created.

Blizzard's Senior VP of Story and Franchise development Chris Metzen took the stage near the end of the conference to break the news to us. After taking the stage he let us all know that "Blizzard and Sony have entered into a strategic partnership, through which we will take over the world."

Four player co op mode, and that this is going to be on the PS3 and PS4 is all we know right now, but this new partnership between Blizzard and Sony is truly going to "Take over the world".

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"Diablo 3 announced for the PlayStation 4" :: Login/Create an Account :: 156 comments

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This is going to be very cool. I mean Diablo 3 with four play co-op? That's cool!


this is going to suck


Not a huge fan of diablo. But hopefully those who always wanted to play the game but couldn't necessarily cause of their computer can enjoy this now on the console...


VisionaryMGMT Sony and Blizzard deal? Do I smell Starcraft and WoW coming to PS4?

Hopefully not, I hate them games >.>


Sony and Blizzard deal? Do I smell Starcraft and WoW coming to PS4?


DEEJAYstar46 Diablo 3 will be great on the PS4.

Hopefully it doesn't feel like a game just ported over, like console Skyrim.


AR15 I haven't ever played Diablo, just seen freinds play it.

Same i hope it's good.


i wonder when its going to be released for the ps3


Not sure if I like the sound of this or not :/


It could be good. Not sure how well it'd run on console though. No idea how the AH or RMAH would work on console and the little bit of lag on consoles would lead to a lot more deaths.
I guess we'll wait and see.