Wii U Slumping in Sales.

The Wii U has been plummeting in the Market the past couple weeks. It has not been selling as it was thought to be. It had pretty good start, but people suddenly stopped buying the Nintendo system. At the end of March, the estimated consoles to be sold has dropped from 5.5 million to 4 million for the Wii U. This number may drop even more as we near the end of February.

Many people are expecting a price cut for the Wii U, but they will not be cutting it anytime soon. Many are demanding the price to go down, or they will not buy the system. Nintendo is not worrying about sales right now, the PS3 did the same thing around this time of the year when released. The sales suddenly increased on the PS3 within the next month.

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That's because the wii sucks and will never be as good as Xbox or Ps3.


Never liked Nintendo. Never Liked Wii of any sort, bought a Wii and sold it in a weak. Horrible console.


UNDERWORLDHYBRD of course cause there always late there just catching up tech cause the wii u is on par with the xbox 360 and ps3 but its supposed to be next gen

Really? you mean graphics? of course thats the only thing that matters right? i terms of ideas and quality Nintendo are always ahead,but some people are just too ignorant or retarded to see that.Just stick to your COD and Fifa with slightly improved graphics and the same old gameplay,same controller,sheep... baaa.


Jigee It's a pathetic, under-powered system, Nintendo seriously flunked on this one. Trying to give the public what they never asked for; doesn't work out so well, does it Nintendo? That coupled with the fact that they refuse to admit that they are severely lacking in technology is going to lead to the downfall of this system. If they are smart, they'll cut the price, stop producing units of this system, and cut their losses; sadly for them there isn't any money in this system.

Graphics mean nothing well to true gamers anyway. The Wii was far behind the 360/PS3 when it came to performance but it outsold both of them by miles as soon as the WiiU gets some good games in like mario/zelda it's sales will pick up again.

Or Final Fantasy because it's awesome.


It needs more games Nintendo!


Jigee It's a pathetic, under-powered system, Nintendo seriously flunked on this one. Trying to give the public what they never asked for; doesn't work out so well, does it Nintendo? That coupled with the fact that they refuse to admit that they are severely lacking in technology is going to lead to the downfall of this system. If they are smart, they'll cut the price, stop producing units of this system, and cut their losses; sadly for them there isn't any money in this system.

Graphics mean nothing well to true gamers anyway. The Wii was far behind the 360/PS3 when it came to performance but it outsold both of them by miles as soon as the WiiU gets some good games in like mario/zelda it's sales will pick up again.


Axe I think that nintendo should start doing better marketing for their growing audience, and make it less for little kids, and more for older generation.

I agree. I sometimes just think that the name nintendo attracts little kids lol


-NewYork- The Wii U was a terrible idea. Just another attempt at microsoft to make money for a little while.

HAHA Nintendo made the Wii U! How could you not know that?


UNDERWORLDHYBRD of course cause there always late there just catching up tech cause the wii u is on par with the xbox 360 and ps3 but its supposed to be next gen

Yeah exactly. It doesn't surprise me that the Wii U is dropping in sales. I never expected it to do well in the first place.


of course cause there always late there just catching up tech cause the wii u is on par with the xbox 360 and ps3 but its supposed to be next gen