Apple "iWatch" could be past the experimental stage.

According to sources, Apple may already be making a "smart watch". This comes after the New York Times and Wall Street Journal both reported that Apple was planning on making a "smart watch" which is more than likely called the "iWatch".

It was revealed to sources that over 100 people may be working on the watch, which "includes managers, members of the marketing group, and software and hardware engineers who previously worked on the iPhone and iPad." Another source suggested that the watch is now "beyond the experimentation phase", hinting at a 2013 release.

Apple's senior director of engineering, James Foster, is said to be working on the project. Sources say that the Apple Watch will "perform some of the computing tasks now handled by the iPhone and iPad." Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, currently sits on the board of Nike and is apparently interested in wearable items, especially ones that can be used for fitness and training.

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"Apple "iWatch" could be past the experimental stage." :: Login/Create an Account :: 193 comments

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Hall I don't wear watches, but if this comes out, I'm getting it.

Me too. I don't wear them either, but it looks pretty cool


Money grabber. You would have to charge a watch, think about that...


iPod nano + strap = iWatch...


asping That looks cool and worth buying.

Kinda stupid if you ask me..


That looks cool and worth buying.


It looks pretty weird :L


I don't wear watches, but if this comes out, I'm getting it.


this looks sweet


Axe looks pretty cool, but to be quite honest, all apple really does is enlarge and shrink their products.

This is the new shuffle. The shuffle even has a wrist strap already...


looks pretty cool, but to be quite honest, all apple really does is enlarge and shrink their products.