New Assassin's Creed announced, will have new character and time period

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told investors on Thursday that they plan to publish a new Assassin's Creed game during the 2014 financial year.

The game, which is normally developed across several of Ubisoft's global games development studios, will more than likely be revealed at E3 this year.

Yves didn't go into too much detail, he did however confirm that the game will take place in a new time period and star a new character.

The announcement was made during an investor presentation where it was stated that Assassin's Creed 3 sales have reached 12 million units sold... globally.

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"New Assassin's Creed announced, will have new character and time period" :: Login/Create an Account :: 136 comments

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-Marvin- It'll be said when they run out of time periods...

They will make new ones.


AR15 Can't wait to see what they do with this (:

Yeah me to can't wait to see what its like

So pumped for it. :)


AR15 Can't wait to see what they do with this (:

Yeah me to can't wait to see what its like


I have a feeling it's going to be present-future tense. They were definitely hinting at that by allowing us to play as Desmond in the present and incorporating new functions while playing as him as well.


Should be fun and interesting :)


I can't wait to see what they come up with for their next game! It's going to be sick.


Yay! New time period!!!!


It'll be said when they run out of time periods...


ImHumbled The only time period I can think of is the Civil War. All the other time periods are too similar, and even the Civil War is cutting it close with AC3. The World Wars wont do well because guns will overshadow the skill of assassins using bladed weapons.

I actually think it'd be sick af to have a modern assassins creed game.. lol


The only time period I can think of is the Civil War. All the other time periods are too similar, and even the Civil War is cutting it close with AC3. The World Wars wont do well because guns will overshadow the skill of assassins using bladed weapons.