Rumor: Project Gotham Racing 5 to be Next-gen Xbox launch title

It is rumored that Microsoft is preparing a brand new installment in the Project Gotham series as a launch title for the Next Xbox.

Sources say that a number of former Bizarre Creations and Criterion developers are working on the title at the new Liverpool studio, Lucid Games. The project is apparently to be based on an upgraded version of existing PGR code.

The source also believes that other Bizarre devs, with a number of former Studio Liverpool staff, have joined with MotorStorm creators, Evolution Studios, to create a new racing IP that is planned to be a PS4 launch title.

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"Rumor: Project Gotham Racing 5 to be Next-gen Xbox launch title" :: Login/Create an Account :: 91 comments

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Never got this game, it's not set in Gotham City, and there's not lots of variants of the Batmobile to select from...the title's just misleading if I'm honest


look good i have to say


Faorza is the best current racing series IMO, I don't think they will be beaten easily.


I stick with forza


I used to play PGR then i got Forza


Yikes. Sales will most-likely be low, considering Forza will probably come out with something even better. Maybe they'll surprise us, who knows... O_o


Just re-read it. Feel like an idiot.


I swear Bizzare got shut down.


RuLeWreX PGR? How does this even make news? All of the previous titles were absolute failures.

Maybe they will surprise everyone.


PGR? How does this even make news? All of the previous titles were absolute failures.