New Black Ops 2 DLC Trailer released - Double XP weekend also announced.

You say you want a Revolution? Well, you’ll have to wait until Tuesday the 29th for the first DLC pack for Black Ops II (and you’ll have to wait a bit longer on other platforms). But Treyarch has found a way to make that wait a little easier: They’ve declared this weekend a period of double XP.

The Xbox 360 in-game Message of the Day notes that double XP starts at 10AM Pacific time on Friday, January 25, and lasts through Monday, January 28 at at 10AM Pacific. That’s 72 hours of accelerated ranking goodness. So set some time aside this weekend — you’re going to want it.

Also, a new trailer was released along with the announcement of the double XP weekend.

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"New Black Ops 2 DLC Trailer released - Double XP weekend also announced." :: Login/Create an Account :: 76 comments

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cant wait for it i am going to prestige twice


fml I need to get 500 more msp so I can download this :/


Cant wait :D


Did he just go past the part that we'll be able to be zombies so casually. That sounds amazing!I wasn't planing on getting the dlc but that zombies part got me searching google for a better explanation.


USSRSpetsnaz lol man I hope Treyarch keeps doing trailers like this one :)

This one was definitely more entertaining than most trailers i have seen.


lol man I hope Treyarch keeps doing trailers like this one :)


i only watched the trailer because the guy is from Prison Break xD


As I am already Master Prestige, DXP will only be useful to me for Nuketown 24/7 so I can get a mass amount of headshots and get some more gold weapons. As for the trailer, it is rather entertaining, I myself cannot wait for the DLC as I want to play Die Rise.


Thank god for the double xp !! bean waiting...


DOUBLE XP! Finally, i've been waiting. And i got the season pass so hope this map pack is good.