Minecraft franchise sells 453K units on Christmas

It's Christmas, the presents have been opened, turkey and ham consumed – it's the midday lull. What to do? If you're like over 400,000 other people, you buy whatever version of Minecraft is handy. Across all available platforms, Minecraft sold 435,000 copies on December 25, according to the block maestro himself, Markus "Notch" Persson.

Be careful folks, that's not a festive, green holiday decoration – it's a Creeper.

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"Minecraft franchise sells 453K units on Christmas" :: Login/Create an Account :: 102 comments

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ThatCommunist Wow , that's ridiculous. Can't believe that people are still buying it

Unlike Cal of Duty, Minecraft gets updated instead of making you buy another game, so people will be buying it for a long time.

Yep, and that's what I love about it.


ThatCommunist Wow , that's ridiculous. Can't believe that people are still buying it

Unlike Cal of Duty, Minecraft gets updated instead of making you buy another game, so people will be buying it for a long time.


Congrats to Notch!


Wow, that is a lot.


that is a lot im not a fan of minecraft never bought it and never will but that is a lot bet he is proud


Wow , that's ridiculous. Can't believe that people are still buying it


Amazing just how many people are still buying this game!


wow thats a lot but it is minecraft so im not surprised


In one day? That's crazy!


Such a big amount for just one day!