Halo 4 early adopters to be rewarded

343 Industries are rewarding players who had played Halo 4 before the 20th of November with a free DLC code to unlock the additional six specialisation armours.

In case you don't know, Specialisations are additional sets of armours and abilities that can be obtained after reaching Service Rank 50 in multiplayer. Each Specialisation adds another 10 ranks for players to achieve and comes with unique armour, abilities or tactical upgrades.

Initally 343 Industries was only going to allow players who had purchased the halo 4 Limited Edition to have access to all specialisations at launch, but changed their mind's to help entice fans to pick up a copy of the game on launch day.

Players who qualified for the free DLC will be notified via email by Xbox Live. So for those who think they have a code coming to them, stand by!

*** These are the countries getting the Specialisation codes (found on Xbox Support)United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and India

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"Halo 4 early adopters to be rewarded" :: Login/Create an Account :: 83 comments

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lVlellow I haven't gotten one yet

Played since day 1

If you were suppose to get one you would have gotten one already...

Check your junk.


I haven't gotten one yet

Played since day 1


RonnieeXD Once again UK isnt on the list
343 is ridiculous.

Well, Europe and a few other countries not on the list had the option to get Specializations from Game for pre ordering.

So if you don't have a code it's pretty much your fault.


Halo 4 is a Desecration of the Halo series. 343 should be tried for the coldblooded murder of an amazing series. It's like they just said to themselves, "ok, how can we make the hardcore fans love us?" And a voice from the end of the table yelled, "CHANGE. EVERYTHING." And somehow they thought to themselves, "That's just crazy enough to work!"


L33t-Ninja-Much cool hope i get one :D

You would have already gotten it..


cool hope i get one :D


Mortar That is pretty awesome in my opinion, much better than their original idea. Sadly, yet again, England misses out.

You coud always buy a code off of ebay or another site.


That is pretty awesome in my opinion, much better than their original idea. Sadly, yet again, England misses out.


TTGplayer66 When will we get it?

You should have gotten it already, check your email.

This isn't the DLC you're thinking of like a map pack, just a specialization code so you can rank up.


I'm happy they gave us more Specializations, I didn't want to be stuck at SR 70 any longer.