Black Ops 2 'could be the best-selling game of all time' - Activision

Activision believes Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has the potential to become the best-selling game of all time.

Speaking to analysts and investors last night following the publication of the company's third quarter financial results, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said (via Seeking Alpha): "Developed by our team at Treyarch, the game has the potential to be [the] biggest selling game of all time, to passing Call of Duty: Black Ops.
"And the buzz to date has been tremendous. YouTube views are nearly double those for Modern Warfare 3, Facebook engagement is up more than 150 per cent and the Black Ops 2 multiplayer reveal from GamesCom became the largest live stream event in Xbox Live's history.

"And the Nielsen's first choice survey, which measures both unaided awareness and purchase intent, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 tops the list and is at an all-time high for the franchise."

Hirshberg continued: "Looking to the launch, we're working incredibly hard with all of our partners around the world to make Call of Duty the biggest entertainment launch of all time for the fourth consecutive year.

"Pre-orders for Black Ops 2 continued to track ahead of Modern Warfare 3, which is no small feat given that MW3's was the most successful pre-order program of all time."

However, Hirshberg went on to acknowledge: "There are always risks when trying to grow a brand that is already performing at record-setting levels. So while we're optimistic, we're still planning prudently. We look forward to sharing details about our successes with you over the weeks ahead."

Activision has confirmed a Black Ops 2 release date of November 13.

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"Black Ops 2 'could be the best-selling game of all time' - Activision" :: Login/Create an Account :: 75 comments

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I think it's going to be high selling, but people are getting more and more bored of the CoD franchise. Especially after BO1 I think that's what put most people off, I disagree I think It will get around the same as MW3, or less.


I'm tired of the call of duty series. Also I'm tired of every other game franchise trying to copy it. We buy these other games for reasons not to play COD all the time or play it at all. MW3 was the worst and the last one I buy.


Fluhfy I bet it will.. Can't wait till next tursday

Same I played it on my Jtag but I wanna go online and play the missions :) I think it will be great BO1 sucked.


I thought it said Hesienberg. Too much Breaking Bad lately ;)


I bet it will.. Can't wait till next tursday


Is it me, or does it feel like COD is reaching it's peak? I'm actually noticing less people buy BLOPS2 this year in favour for other games, like Halo, Borderlands and Dishonored. COD might have this title, but after that, it'll start to decline if they refuse to change.


I bet it will be, it happens every year.


Oasis It'll be this years blockbuster. Then 2013 will have another. It never changes.

"There are always risks when trying to grow a brand that is already performing at record-setting levels. So while we're optimistic, we're still planning prudently. We look forward to sharing details about our successes with you over the weeks ahead."

Woah man, you didn't just say something that they already acknowledged in the article.

I was making my own statement based on previous figures and facts. Just because my comment mirrored the view in the news article you decide to pick me out?. Don't troll the comments wasteman.


I bet it will be, I can't wait till the 14th!


it could be but we will see