Modern Warfare 3 “Rotting From the Core”

And all I want to do, if you will, is to have them rot from the core', that's what EA had to say about Activision and the Call Of Duty games, as the company launches yet another attack ahead of the release of its own Battlefield 3.

EA has been trolling the Call Of Duty franchise for months now, with claims that Battlefield 3 is ‘flat out superior’ (and this long before Modern Warfare 3 had even been seen in public).

Activision hasn't quite been able to keep its mouth shut either, taunting EA about the fact that it still hasn't shown the console versions of Battlefield 3, but with this latest barb EA has taken the insults up a notch.

'I think that in a weird way it’s starting to feel a little to me like the Disneyland abstraction of a war game - a little bit jump the shark. So it feels a little bit like that to me,' said EA boss John Riccitiello in an interview with website IndustryGamers.

"The second thing is, I don’t know what’s in Elite right now, but based on what I’ve seen, I think they might’ve been better off holding the Elite thing and been a little more careful and show up a month after they’ve launched Modern Warfare 3,' he added.

'So I do think, though, that we’ve got the better game, the better tack. And if you think about your readership, it’s got a concentration of people that might tell the difference between a good game and a bad game. We’re going to do really well there.

'A lot of people bought Modern Warfare more for the coffee table and didn’t play it for 2 months. There’s sort of that mass audience... they’re going to win there. The question is, 'So, if the gamer buys our game and the mass audience buys their game, where do the two meet?' And all I want to do, if you will, is to have them rot from the core,' he continued.

Some might say he's got a point but are these really the sort of comments one of gaming's most powerful figures should be making in public? Maybe Bobby Kotick stole his Monster Munch or something but this sounds more like a schoolyard argument than insightful industry comment.




"Modern Warfare 3 “Rotting From the Core”" :: Login/Create an Account :: 95 comments

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Fraace I hope Acttivision fights back. They aren't the now cause they KNOW they have already won.

When your opponent starts making immature sayings like this, they know that have lost, and just trying to get some sales in from 10yr olds trying to be cool.

See comments below me for examples.




Can't kill someone without a tank? Aww what a shame.

mad that you can only kill someone with...ghost motion sensor, ak 74u, noob tubes danger close, tac knife commando, ump45, mp40 in waw, m16 in cod4, MARTYRDOM in all cod games, 1887's prepatch,and JUGGERNAUT...aww what a shame
mad that battleshit always comes behind mw3??

only because only tried hards and little kids of 13 and younger suck there two dads **** for them to buy it because they think it is a good game and it is easy for them to do as a perfect example

Just because your bad and need a tank to kill people, doesn't mean you need to be a ****.

BF Takes the fun away from FPS games. All tryhards.


Fraace I hope Acttivision fights back. They aren't the now cause they KNOW they have already won.

When your opponent starts making immature sayings like this, they know that have lost, and just trying to get some sales in from 10yr olds trying to be cool.

See comments below me for examples.




Can't kill someone without a tank? Aww what a shame.

mad that you can only kill someone with...ghost motion sensor, ak 74u, noob tubes danger close, tac knife commando, ump45, mp40 in waw, m16 in cod4, MARTYRDOM in all cod games, 1887's prepatch,and JUGGERNAUT...aww what a shame

Half that sh*t won't be in Mw3.

Mw3 takes quick thinking, skill and accuracy.

BF is more of a team work game.

Whats gonna work? TEEEEAMWORK.

Whats gonna suck? TEEEEEAMWORK.


Fraace I hope Acttivision fights back. They aren't the now cause they KNOW they have already won.

When your opponent starts making immature sayings like this, they know that have lost, and just trying to get some sales in from 10yr olds trying to be cool.

See comments below me for examples.




Can't kill someone without a tank? Aww what a shame.

lulz at you thinking Bf takes less skill than CoD.

Let the flame war begin!

CoD = Gun skill. Quick thinking.

BF = Strategy. Teamwork.

For me, Mw3 will be 10x better.

And yeah! LETS DO IT!


EA and Dice are just mad. They will never sell as many copies as a CoD game and thats a fact. MW3 will sell 35 million for sure and battlefield around 10 million. THey cant beat Activision and IW, they're just to hood.


Holmesy I dont see what EA'S problem is. They think there the big company now they actually have produced a good game. Pfft. MW3 will outsell no doubt anyway.

i agree! :)


I dont see what EA'S problem is. They think there the big company now they actually have produced a good game. Pfft. MW3 will outsell no doubt anyway.


HogieBear Modern warfare 3 will sell more than battlefield not saying it will be the better game but just saying it will sell more

I agree it will sell more and i think it will be the better game because mw2 was THE best fps of all time it's just people ruined it so mw3 will take mw2's mistakes and problems then fix them while adding extra features making it the new best fps.. anyone agree?

I agree. MW2 was, and for now, is the best FPS of all time. Battlefield 3 will look amazing. Gameplay, I'm not so sure about. Who cares if the game is absolutely gorgeous, if the gameplay is terrible. They are just now adding the "go to prone" feature. MW 1&2 were amazing games. MW3 will be great, if they follow the same guidelines. Everyone talks about team work on Battlefield, but any COD game can utilize team work as well, most don't choose to do so. Sure younger kids play COD. They know it's great. Most of them don't know what Battlefield is, because its not as good. Yes I'm a MW fan. Who cares. I'm buying both games, because both studios are laying everything on the line. You would be ignorant to not purchase both, just because you are too arrogant. Everyone has an opinion, be mindful of that.

you must have taken my comment the wrong way because i own battlefield 1,2 and 1943 its just i was saying mw2 was and is fantastic only for the people who ruined it..


falcon347 Fxck Bf3 and Mw3 i'm tired of first person shooters, and BF3's mutiplayer in my opinion looks Like Shxt But the Singleplayer looks amazing! MW3 i Can't say Because they haven't showed us anything except 2 Campaign Levels...Why not stop being a fanboy and just buy them both?

its called trololololing on all the COD fangirls and honestly how does bf3 multiplayer look like shxt?


Fxck Bf3 and Mw3 i'm tired of first person shooters, and BF3's mutiplayer in my opinion looks Like Shxt But the Singleplayer looks amazing! MW3 i Can't say Because they haven't showed us anything except 2 Campaign Levels...Why not stop being a fanboy and just buy them both?


Fraace I hope Acttivision fights back. They aren't the now cause they KNOW they have already won.

When your opponent starts making immature sayings like this, they know that have lost, and just trying to get some sales in from 10yr olds trying to be cool.

See comments below me for examples.




Can't kill someone without a tank? Aww what a shame.

mad that you can only kill someone with...ghost motion sensor, ak 74u, noob tubes danger close, tac knife commando, ump45, mp40 in waw, m16 in cod4, MARTYRDOM in all cod games, 1887's prepatch,and JUGGERNAUT...aww what a shame
mad that battleshit always comes behind mw3??

only because only tried hards and little kids of 13 and younger suck there two dads dicks for them to buy it because they think it is a good game and it is easy for them to do as a perfect example