Battlefield 3 multiplayer alpha & beta access detailed

he official blog for Battlefield 3, the next installment in the EA-published, large-scale military shooter series, shares some new details about the game's upcoming multiplayer beta.

First up is an Alpha trial--accessible via invite only--focused primarily on server-related stress tests. While no Alpha Trial codes are being given away on social networking platforms (a relatively common practice these days), there are still a couple of things you can do to improve your chances of an Alpha invite.

"If you'd like to have a chance to be called upon [for the Alpha Trial] make sure to register for our newsletter and ensure your Veteran status is up to date," the blog notes.

In addition to the closed alpha test, EA re-confirmed plans for a public Battlefield 3 beta in September. Folks who purchased the Medal of Honor: Limited Edition recently received an email confirming that they will be able to participate, though the Open Beta's start date is still unknown.In short, if you're a Limited Edition owner that didn't purchase the game secondhand, you'll be beta-eligible. Just make sure you've opted to receive email newsletters from your EA Profile. Those who "purchased a copy of Medal of Honor with the Battlefield 3 Beta sticker on it" are also eligible.

Battlefield 3 is planned for an October 25 release on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.



"Battlefield 3 multiplayer alpha & beta access detailed" :: Login/Create an Account :: 6 comments

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I bought a limited edition MoH and signed up at EA's site, yet i got no email.


So only people who bought MoH can play the beta? If so that sucks cause i wanted to try this game out.


Can't wait for the beta for Xbox. Alpha was preety fun while it lasted


Muzik I have an alpha invite xD
Just havent played it yet..

Alpha is over now. Can't play it anyways.

Yeah i know :P


Muzik I have an alpha invite xD
Just havent played it yet..

Alpha is over now. Can't play it anyways.


I have an alpha invite xD
Just havent played it yet..