PewDiePie hits 50 million subscribers, deleting his channel tomorrow

YouTube’s most popular channel, PewDiePie, hit a new milestone today, crossing 50 million subscribers. Earlier this week, in a rant about how changes to the service were costing him views, PewDiePie promised to delete his channel when he hit this milestone. In a tweet today, he said the end will arrive at noon (5PM GMT) tomorrow.

Promising to delete your channel, like announcing that you’ve decided to quit YouTube, or cancel your vlog, is not something most creators follow through on, at least not for good. But as PewDiePie put it, “complaining about YouTube gets you views.” It’s a populist punching bag that creators are only to happy to take advantage of when they are looking for a headline that will cut through the clickbait.

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"PewDiePie hits 50 million subscribers, deleting his channel tomorrow" :: Login/Create an Account :: 79 comments

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I watched a few of his videos, not a fan of his channel. But I hope he wins whatever YouTube is trying to push on him.


I watch his content and I doubt this is the end, he will make another channel and start fresh. I think it's a great idea, it'll show who his true fan numbers are instead of almost 47million inactive subscribers the true numbers will show.


Hi i hate him lmao, money whore

It makes no sense to call someone a money whore when you obviously know nothing about them, why don't you take a read


Not trying to sound like a white knight but you guys are blindlessly hating him for no reason.

I doubt he will actually delete his channel, it will most likely be another channel he owns. Good to see he's using his platform of millions to point out problems on YouTube. YouTube really need to fix their shit.


I don't care for him anyway never liked him, Don't see why he would do all that then delete his channel...oh yeah he was only in it for all the money.


I'm shockingly not upset over this


Dashii I don't understand what he expects YouTube's reaction to be? He isn't even close to being the majority of their income.

its for show the kids he has will be like aww he deweeted hims wutibe but people do this a then reopen it the next day


I don't understand what he expects YouTube's reaction to be? He isn't even close to being the majority of their income.


Sean must have been waiting to post this.