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Batman: Arkham City Challenge and Campaign Medals Saveset for all

Download Name: Batman: Arkham City Challenge and Campaign Medals Saveset for all DLC's  

Category: Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Game Saves

Submitted By: Sean

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File Size: 702.82 KB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 1

Downloads: 174

Views: 3,683

Related Forum: Xbox Forum

Item description:

Batman: Arkham City Saveset for "Twice Nightly" and "all Challenge and Campaign Medals
for Batman, Catwoman, Robin and Nightwing"

I devided it into 3 Saves, one for Batman Bronze, one for Batman Silver and one Gold for Batman and all
other DLC, this is because Batman has lesser Amounts while the DLC's only have Gold eg. all must be done.

For all only one Predator Map and one Predator only Campaign must be done to get the right amount, i choiced
the easiest one for both so should be easy for everyone.

Also there is a Save included to get the Twice Nightly by beating the last Boss only on NG+ if someone still
need it to be done because the other Saves will probably pop Dark Knight out of order if the Twice Nightly is
not done before.
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The silver medal achievement for campaign trials doesn't work. The save is at 78 medals, not 72 like the achievement asks for.