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[US] The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Save Set [CUSA05725]

Download Name: [US] The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Save Set [CUSA05725]  

Category: PlayStation 4 PS4 Game Saves & Sets

Author: Wesley

Submitted By: Sean

Date Added:

Version: CUSA05725

File Size: 100.65 MB

File Type: (Zip file)

Comments: 8

Downloads: 658

Views: 11,765

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Item description:


Brawl Master
Brawl Master (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder "Brawl Master" and talk to the match coordinator to start the fight. Once you win the trophy will pop.

Brawler (Silver)
Resign the save in the folder "Brawler" and talk to the match coordinator to start the fight. Once you win the trophy will pop.


Death March
Pass the Trial (Bronze), Ran the Gauntlet (Silver), Walked the Path (Gold)
Resign the save in the folder “Death March” and turn in the quest. All difficulty trophies will be awarded as well. Note: This save has all the missable gwent cards if that’s the last trophy you need and I’m taking too long for you.

Dendrologist (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder ”Death March” and unlock all the abilities in one tree. (There should be 36 ability points)

Fist of the South Star

- Gwent Master (Bronze)

Open the folder "Gwent" and re sign the save in the folder "Gwent Master".
He uses a monster deck which seems really annoying given he’s able to pull cards from his deck with the same name, but as long as you bait him to do so on the first round it’s a pretty easy match.
Use the Northern Relms deck and redraw any card that isn’t:
A) An Elite card
B) A card that has the tight bond skill (it’s the cards with hands and there are only two kinds of these in my deck.)
C) Weaker cards that don’t meet A or C and lack any kind of ability. Keep the Commanders horns though.

A key factor is your leader card so don’t use it until your last round or the opponent is playing seriously.
The leader card for my deck allows you to remove any weather effects.
This is useful since it doesn’t take up a card space and the decks base cards can be rendered useless, but luckily the elite cards are quite strong.

Place your spy cards in the first round, but play the highest spy card first as he’ll possibly use a decoy to draw it back.
Don’t use the cards with Tight Bond first as he’ll likely destroy them with Scorch (It destroys the strongest card(s) so you could potentially lose all of them).
Keep playing your spy cards and don’t use the commanders horn early.
Eventually he’ll pass and that’s when you play ether an elite card to win, or use the elite horn to double the base cards score.
Sometimes it’s worth it to take the loss rather than the win since the next round is easier.
When you get to the second round you’ll now have a discard pile that allows you to play the cards that have the medic symbol to get cards of your choice back so long as they are not an elite card.
It’s best to be smart with this and save these for later as you can pull a Tight Bond card from the discard pile and change the flow of the match.
If you’re able to pull a spy card then do so over the other cards as you could pull more medic cards or elite cards.

- Geralt and Friends (Bronze)

Open the folder “Gwent” and resign the save in the folder “Gwent Master”.
You can finish the High Stakes tournament and use all neutral cards in a round or you can get this trophy pretty easy by traveling to “Crows Perch” and facing any merchant there.

Here is a list of the Neutral Cards:
Biting Frost
Clear Weather
Commander’s Horn
Impenetrable Fog
Torrential Rain
Mysterious Elf
Cirilla Fiona Elen Rianno
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff
Geralt of Rivia
Triss Merigold
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Zoltan Chivay
- Card Collector (Bronze)
Open the folder "Gwent" and resign the save in the folder "Card Collector".
Buy the cards from the in-keeper and the trophy will pop.
This took A LOT of work as I had to play everyone on Skellige and 90% of everyone on Velen + Novigrad.

Kills -

- The Enemy of My Enemy (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder ”Kills”. You should be at “The Devils Pit” when you load. This area is what is used for all the kill trophies since the fence creates an invisible barrier that you can stand behind. Simply cast Axii and have them kill 1 enemy.

- Humpty Dumpty (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder ”Kills” and use Aard to send an enemy into the pit. Note: The enemies with axes can not be used for this.

- That Is The Evilest Thing... (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills”. You should already be at “The Devils Pit” so all you have to do is use igni to catch fire 1 enemy after you throw a dragons dream bomb.

- Triple Threat (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills” and gather 3 enemies and simply kill one with a sword, crossbow and use igni.

- Overkill (Silver)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills” and gather a few enemies to follow you to the gate (you only need 1 kill, but this is more fun.) and shoot an enemy, (using the crossbow with the bolts that add bleeding) throw a bomb (The Devils Puffball creates a poison cloud.) and ignite it using igni.

- Master Marksman (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills” and kill an enemy with a shot to the head with the crossbow. This trophy was a huge pain since the hit box for the head is awful. It may take a couple of tries but eventually you’ll get one and the trophy will pop. It’s best to pull an enemy to the gate and hold R1 to slow time and aim for the head.

- What Was That? (Bronze)
Resing the save in the folder “Kills” and gather a few enemies by the gate. Following this simply counter an attack, attack an enemy, throw a bomb and cast igni. Simply right?

- Globetrotter (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills” and discover 1 marker. The trophy will pop as soon as you do.

- Armed and Dangerous (Silver)
Resign the save in the folder “Kills” and travel to “Crows Perch” and open the stash. Pull out any items that are green and equip them.

Monster Nest -
Fire in the Hole (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder "10 Monster Nest" and simply destroy the nest.
Resign the save in the folder "All Monster Nest" and destroy the last nest. (You're right on top of it.)


Power Overwhelming -
Power Overwhelming (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Power Overwhelming” and simply interact with the place of power.

Races -
- Fast and Furious (Bronze)
Resign the save in the folder “Races” and win the race. It’s pretty short so all you have to do is go gallop to the finish like without worrying about stamina.

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"[US] The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - Save Set [CUSA05725]" :: Login/Create an Account :: 8 comments

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How do I unlock Geralt the Professional?


This works great! Halfway through everything now. Thanks for the upload.


Will this work with GOTY edition if I simply extract this file and place it into the GOTY?


Works like a charm! Many thanks and blessings be upon you.


too bad it won't work on my version =/


Works perfectly! Thank you for all the hard work and being so organized


Save works great on Complete Edition US!


Works like a charm! Make sure you extract file before using save wizard, thanks for all the work you put into this!