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Ultimate Guide To Fifa Training

Ultimate Guide To Fifa TrainingPosted:

  • TTG Senior
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Joined: Feb 17, 201113Year Member
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Okay, so i bought this guide for fifa 13 but it works on all fifa's. I Payed for this guide but im going to post it on here for free as im in a good mood and feel it will benefit everybody! So here it is:
Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Millionaire Coin Guide

I started playing ultimate team from day 1 when it was first introduced in Fifa 09 and it quickly became my favourite game mode in Fifa. But I had a problem like many others, I couldn't make enough coins to get the best players quick enough, first I tried playing more matches but this came to no avail as my players contracts kept running out and I found myself spending most of my coins on maintaining my team, and the coins left over I spent on buying gold packs. Another problem was that I was spending too long on ultimate team; I found it frustrating spending hours playing tournaments in Fifa Ultimate Team.
It was only until I played a few hundred matches in Fifa 09 and I still had a mediocre team, that I realised I needed a new way of making coins to get the best possible players. I will explain my methods further in the guide. This guide consists of methods, rules and tips and BIN means Buy it Now in this guide. None of the prices of players in the examples should be used because the prices change regularly and dramatically, the prices are there for solely for illustration purposes and to make the methods easier to understand.

Buy and Sell Chemistry Styles

This is a huge new area of Fifa 14, and I have already made lots of coins from trading chemistry styles. The technique is simple and even though you dont have to have lots of coins to carry out this method I would recommend this method to everybody.
Search for a specific chemistry style for example finisher and find the lowest BIN by writing lets say 2000 coins in the maximum BIN, like in the screenshot below
However there were more than 4 pages of search results indicated by the screenshot below.
So I kept on reducing the maximum BIN until I found that the true lowest BIN was 1100 coins.

What you want to do now you have found the lowest BIN to be 1100 coins is to bid a maximum of 950 coins, preferably you should aim to get them for as cheap as possible. Lastly sell for 1000 coins, try your best not to bid on the chemistry styles that finish in more than 1 hour, because if you do bid on these cards by the time you try selling it the price may become significantly higher.

If you get lots of the Finisher chemistry styles for 950 coins or less then try selling one at a time, because if you sell them all at once for 1000 coins the price will drop. Keep repeating the same procedure with the other chemistry styles but also keep checking what the latest prices are of the chemistry styles are so you don't buy them for too much coins.

Contracts method

This is a hugely popular method and highly profitable, it is also extremely simple to implement. Firstly you do a bit of market research on how much the gold contract shiny cards are selling for, in this example lets say BIN 550-600, once you have obtained this figure the next step is to search BIN maximum of 400 and go all the way to the 59th minute and purchase any gold contract shiny's that are 400 and below, lastly sell them for BIN of 550. Based on these numbers if you purchase 50 contracts for 400, so your total expenditure is 20000, and sell all of them for 550 you will make 6125 after EA's tax. I recommend that you dont leave the contracts in your trade pile for too long as the price could go down and then you could make a loss. So try to sell the contracts as soon as possible. This method can also be used on the normal gold contracts, and the silver contracts, however I found more success with the gold contract shinys. Be aware that the price of the contracts usually goes down during happy hour as so many people are buying packs and selling the contents.

Buy, Play and Discard

This is a method I developed back when I was playing lots of matches and I recommend this to anyone who has a little amount of coins. I discovered this method when I was trying to find a solution to my contracts running out and having to constantly buy contracts. What you do is buy gold players for BIN 350 or less, use all the contracts up by playing matches and then discard the gold players for about 300. This does 3 things; firstly you avoid buying contracts which at times can get expensive, secondly youre using the player to get more coins and lastly youre discarding a player for a slight loss, however this loss is recouped by the matches you play.

For instance you buy lets say Gutierrez of Newcastle for 350 coins BIN and he has 7 contracts, you play 7 matches and you get 600 coins for each match and therefore make 4200 coins and then you discard the player for 300 coins, this gives an overall profit of 4150 coins. If you do this with 11 players based on each player having 7 contracts then you make a profit of 3650 coins. Please note that if you do get a good player for BIN 350 or less then sell him on instead of discarding. You can alternatively relist the players for BIN 350 however I noticed people avoid players with no contracts, so another important tip if your planning on utilising this method is that you should try not to run down all of a players contracts, leave at least 1 contact so you can resell the player more easily. An important feature to look out for when buying players for this method is the contract length, the longer the contract the more potential profit.

Buy and Discard

This is also a very popular method and probably the easiest to put into action, the main advantage of this method is that there is virtually no risk. Search for gold players maximum bid of 300, you will probably have to go to around the 50th minute to see any players but this won't take long. All you have to do now is bid 300 or less on all gold players that are rated between 76-79, I recommend bidding 250, as 300 is too high and doesn't give enough profit, whilst 200 is too low and you will get outbid. Lastly discard all of the players for your profits. If you win 30 players for 250 coins then you will make about 1500 coins. There are more lucrative ways to make coins than this method, so I would recommend this method to beginners. During the first few weeks of Ultimate Team it is almost impossible to win any gold player for less than 300, so if you are planning on using this method during this time I advise you to bid 300 coins.

The 59th minute method

Most people are already familiar with this method so there is lots of competition for players and other cards; however it is a difficult skill to master. You have to know the values of at least 10 players, preferably all from the same league to make it easier. If your portfolio of players are from the Barclays Premier League then in the search field put in the maximum BIN of the highest value player.
For example this is your portfolio (please note these are not actual values for these players).

Ramires 18000
Ben Arfa 15000
Hernandez 11000
Oscar 10000
Lampard 12000
Cazorla 10000
Walcott 14000
Kagawa 11000
Suarez 20000
Kyle Walker 12000
Ashley Cole 19000

The prices for players change regularly so I would advise you not to do this, and the prices for the players above are only for illustration purposes. If this is your portfolio you would search for a minimum BIN of about 600 and a maximum BIN of 18500. A minimum BIN of 600 is used as if you put the minimum BIN too low then your search will be flooded with low value players making it difficult to spot a bargain, and alternatively if you put the minimum BIN too high then you are restricting the amount of deals you will be able to pick up. Similar logic was used in applying the 18500 maximum BIN.

If you spot a bargain snap it up because as I said there is lots of competition in the 59th minute. Of course you can use this method for any type of card. If you are experiencing difficulty in finding any good deals then you should go to the three hour mark as there is less opposition when looking for bargains. This method is extremely effective as people new to Ultimate team often dont know the price of players and I have picked up a Maicon for 20,000 coins which I sold for about 50,000 coins, using this same method last year on Fifa 13 when the game first came out.

The Bid Bonanza

This method requires you to have a large amount of coins, and for you to acquire several of the same player or card. Firstly you buy lots of the same player for a cheap price, for example Ramires of Chelsea and lets say you bought 10 Ramires' for lets say an average of 6800, and his current BIN price is 7500 you could just list them for BIN 7500 and most will sell, however I have realised a trick that works well in this situation. The trick is to search for Ramires max price of 6700 and bid 6700 on as much Ramires' as you can. This will do 2 things firstly any that you win could make you a few hundred coins, secondly and more importantly by constantly bidding on all the Ramires' at 6700 and less up to 6700 you are driving up his price, and to maximise your profits keep an eye on the BIN, which will rise.

Be warned that this this is one of the riskier methods that I will discuss and should only be used once you become and intermediate trader. If you do not have enough coins then you will most likely fail, also if you stop bidding on the Ramires, his value may fall.
To carry out this particular example based on Ramires you would need a minimum of 300,000 coins, however the same The Bid Bonanza also works with lower value players.

Buy add value and sell method

The buy and add value method is used by some advanced Fifa Ultimate team traders, it entails buying a player then adding contracts, changing their position and a good chemistry style, and then selling the player on. For illustration lets say you buy Yaya Toure in CM for 28,000 coins and you upgrade him by using some gold contracts on him for 500 coins, then you change his chemistry style to powerhouse for 500 coins and lastly you put CM>CDM for 2500 coins on him to change his position. So in total you pay 31,500 coins to make this Yaya Toure a more attractive proposition to a potential buyer. To make some profit you attach a premium price tag of 35,000 coins. If sold you make a healthy profit of 1750 coins after EAs tax. If you repeat this a few times you will be in the money, however before attempting this method, be sure that it is profitable by checking if there is a wide enough gap between Yaya Toure with powerhouse, CDM and a good amount of contracts, I would consider a wide enough gap to be at least 5000 coins in order to make some profit, if the gap is lower do not bother and try this method on a different player.
Alternatively you can choose to add value to a player by just changing their position or adding a chemistry style. Take this scenario, you find that Xabi Alonso in his normal CDM position is worth 6000 coins using the lowest BIN technique and using the same technique you learn that in CM he is worth 9500 coins. The last check you need to carry out before you can attempt this method is to find the price of the CDM>CM card, you find that it is priced at 2000 coins.
So to recap: - Xabi Alonso CDM = 6000
Xabi Alonso CM = 9500
CDM>CM = 2000

From this you can do a quick calculation to determine if converting Xabi Alonso to CM will earn you any profit. 6000 + 2000 = 8000. So your total cost would be 8000 coins to convert him to CM, and then you can sell him for 9400 coins BIN to sell him quickly and then you have a pleasant 930 coins profit after EA tax.

Buy it Now Gap

When there is a gap between a cards BIN you can buy the lower BIN of that player and undercut the high BIN to make a chunky profit. For instance you search for Frank Lampard max BIN 20,000, and these are the results: -
Frank Lampard BIN 16,000
Frank Lampard BIN 20,000
Frank Lampard BIN 19,750
In this situation which I have encountered many times, the best procedure would be to buy the Frank Lampard at 16,000 BIN and immediately sell him BIN for 19,500 for 2525 coins profit, of course you can sell him for 19,750 BIN, but I like to get instant profits and to make sure I sell him so I would sell him for 19,500 coins. As you can see this is a very easy method, however I would not recommend sitting there searching for one player and trying to get him for a cheap BIN as this could just end up wasting time.

Expert trader

To become an expert trader you need to gain a wide knowledge of the market, but in the end you can make 40,000 coins or more in an hour. It usually involves concentrating on one league and getting a portfolio of at least 10 players, but preferably over 25 players which you know the exact value for, so for example when you search for a gold player in the premier league there is a good chance that you know what the players value is and you instinctively choose to bid or pass on the player. Effectively you are bidding on players in the dying seconds of auctions however you will have the advantage of knowing how much a player is worth so you can bid accordingly. A good piece of advice for last second bidding is going in with a max price you are willing to pay to avoid over paying for the player.
Or alternatively you can do the opposite and use your knowledge of the value of players by utilising the 59th minute, so this method works excellently with the 59th minute method. The more you repeat this method the more knowledge you will gain about the market for players and you will get better at recognising bargains and hence get a wider scope of players until you become the expert trader.

Pump and dump method

Have you ever thought how has the same guy has 10 Gareth Bales that he has put up for BIN on the auction market, well the answer is the pump and dump method. This is by far the most risky method that I will cover in this guide, but has the highest profit potential. To succeed in the pump and dump you will need a lot of coins. The objective is to target one player, lets say you target Theo Walcott and you buy 20 Theo Walcotts for 12,000 coins each and keep buying that player until you have most of the market, then supply and demand takes over, because you got most of the Walcotts the price of Walcott will rise and at this stage you should set the price for him as you have most of the Walcott's. Lets say you set a price of 16,000 coins BIN and you sell all your Walcotts at this price, and then you will have a handsome 64,000 coins tax.

1) Avoid buying packs
Lets get this straight, unless you are having an extremely lucky day do not waste your coins and hard earned money on packs. Why, you ask. Because the chances of you getting a good player are extremely low and there are much more productive ways to use your coins.
Although there is an effective method which some Ultimate team players use by buying and then selling the contents. It works well with the bronze pack; you buy bronze packs and sell the contents to make some profit. This method is for users who are starting out and I dont recommend this method if you already have over 15,000 coins, the reason being it is quite slow in getting the coins back, and you may have to keep relisting the cards until they eventually get bought. This method also works extremely well with the gold pack only when the price of contracts is very high.

2) Do your homework
I am amazed at the amount of cheap deals I pick up when playing Ultimate Team, and this is because players blindly sell cards on the auction market, do not generate your own valuation of a player because you can accidently sell a player for too cheap. There are silver players who go for hundreds of thousands, this is because they may have 5-star-skill moves or are very fast, the same goes for gold and bronze players.
An excellent way for quickly finding out the value of any player, is simply searching for a specific player and adding about 5-10 of this player to your watch list. When the auctions for the player end you now have an accurate valuation of the player. For example you want to find out the value for Daniel Sturridge, so you search for him in the auction market by adding 5-10 Daniel Sturridges to your watch list. If youre in more of a hurry then in the search field put in a value for the maximum BIN for the player, and find out the lowest BIN and sell for about the same amount of coins.
Here is an example concerning checking the price before you sell. You purchase a Right wing Antonio Valencia say 9000, to find the price of Valencia you should auction search using the lowest BIN technique, you put in the maximum BIN search field 16000, lets say this is what comes up:-
Antonio Valencia RW 14000 Antonio Valencia RW 14500
Antonio Valencia RW 13500 Antonio Valencia RW 15500
Antonio Valencia RW 13750 Antonio Valencia RW 14750
Antonio Valencia RW 15000 Antonio Valencia RW 15250
Keep lowering the maximum BIN until you find the lowest BIN for Valencia.
Next I put 14,000 in the maximum BIN search field and these are the search results below.
Antonio Valencia RW 14000
Antonio Valencia RW 13500
Antonio Valencia RW 13750
What I would do in this position, is to put the Antonio Valencia up for 13000 BIN, so by researching on the card and the formation you sell it for 13,000 coins instead of the possibility of misjudging his price and selling him too cheaply or doing the opposite and selling him too expensively which results in time wasted, by which time a players price can decrease.

3) Never quit matches
If you quit even a single match youre Did Not Finish (dnf) multiplier will go down and you wont get as much coins in your future matches. Even if you are losing it is better to complete the match, because at least you will get some coins. If you leave, all your players will lose a contract and you will not be rewarded any coins. The dnf multiplier takes some time to get back to its previous value and you will have to play a lot of games to get it back.


1) Play with bronze players
To avoid draining your teams contracts you can play with any spare bronze players you have, and create a bronze team, the advantages of this are that you don't have to buy contracts as you can just discard or sell the bronze players when you use up all their contracts, and you will get a lot better at Fifa by playing with bronze players, this will help when playing online in the Fifa ultimate team tournaments with your actual gold teams. However I recommend that you don't play online with bronze players as you may suffer a serious beat down unless you are very good, so limit the use of bronze players to offline tournaments and seasons.

2) Tournaments and Seasons
Keep an eye out for the tournaments that EA put out, as sometimes the rewards are very good and worth having a go at. I particularly keep an eye out for the free pack tournaments as you can get a free gold pack for winning. In Fifa 13 online seasons was a way to get a lot of coins and reasonably quick, so dont just play tournaments and single player matches and try out seasons, in the previous game if you win the division 2 title you get 10,000 coins so it is well worth the effort.

3) Complete the manager tasks
This came new to last years version of Fifa Ultimate team, you complete 12 simple tasks, for example change your club kit. Completing it will reward you with a gold pack.

4) Watch out for the scammers
If its too good to be true then it probably is, what I am trying to get at here is something that we have all seen online on blogs and elsewhere, the so-called duplication glitches and the typical "I emailed EA about me losing 1,000,000 coins and my Messi and Ronaldo and they fell for it and gave me the items, just email EA your email address and password to (". Dont fall for this, there is no such thing as a duplication glitch, you send them your player and then adios amigo we'll never see each other again. Anyway to get back on point just stick to trading and avoid these scammers.

5) Make use of the web app
The aim of trading is to quickly make as much coins as possible so to save time use the web app as it is more efficient and so much quicker than trading on the PS3 or Xbox 360. So any time wasted on the consoles is saved by using the web app, as you can write in the search box using your keyboard instead of scrolling on the consoles. So to sum up, unless youre playing tournaments or matches in ultimate team do yourself a favour and make use of the web app.

6) Web app free gifts
Sometimes EA chooses to be generous and they are currently awarding all players free daily gifts for every day they return to the Web app until the release of Fifa 14. The gifts range from coins, mini bronze packs, mini silver packs or even mini gold packs. So again try to log in daily to the web app because it pays dividends and remember coins you get from EA are not taxed.

7) Sell at peak times
The key bit of advice I have is for potential traders on ultimate team is to sell at peak times. In the UK this is at around 16:00-21:00 when most people are at home. The other bit of advice that obviously goes with this is buy players at off-peak times to maximise your profit potential. This bit of advice cannot be overstated enough, as it could mean the difference between selling the same player for 15000 coins at off-peak times and 20000 coins at peak times.

8) Use the EA football club catalogue
Using the EA football club catalogue you can: get bonus coins from matches and increase your trade pile. First you need to have some points which you accumulate from playing matches and doing various activities in game. To get these items go to the EA sports football club on the console and filter it to only contain ultimate team items and then purchase some items.

9) Keep Consumables until Fifa 14 is released
At the web app stage before the release of the game I would advise traders to avoid selling consumables except for chemistry styles. At the moment no one can play matches and therefore the need for consumables is very low, when Fifa 14 is released the price of most
if not all the consumables will rise and you should be able to get a lot more coins.

10) Top Class Players
An enormously crucial aspect of trading is to know when to sell a player and when to keep hold of the player for a while, and if you are lucky enough to get a top class player from a pack before the game is released I urge you to keep hold of the player until the first on second weekend after Fifa 14 is released because you will get a lot more coins for the player. Just recently I added a Robben to my watch list and he went for 50,000 coins because not people had enough coins to send it into a bidding war.

11) Bidding techniques
It is highly important when you are bidding in the last second to go in with a maximum price that you are willing to pay or you are at risk of overpaying. The way I discourage people that I am in a bidding war with from trying to win the auction is to use the quadruple bid method. For example you are trying to win Fabregas who is worth 12,500 coins, so to make any decent profit you should try to win him for 11,000 coins. At the moment there is 20 seconds left and it is on 9500 coins. The best action here would be to do a quadruple bid. What this entails is for you to bid 9600 coins, then 9700 coins, 9800 coins and finally 9900 coins. What this does is create the impression that there are lots of bidders vying for the same player and this sometimes scare off other players from trying to get the player, I find this bidding technique extremely effective.
Another bidding technique is to bid you maximum bid straight away, lets use Fabregas as an example once again. This time there is 30 seconds left and the current highest bid is 4000 coins, using this bidding method what you do is bid all at once your maximum willingness to pay or a high amount, so I would bid 11,000 coins, this method also works very effectively.

This is a text version which i copied from the book, if you want the actual ebook itself for free which includes pictures then download it here:
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